Registered by Jari Laamanen

lvmeject is a command line tool to eject LVM/LUKS governed physical disks. It enables unmounting filesystems from a given logical volume group (LVM), and subsequently, locking the opened LUKS-controlled crypted logical volumes (LV) or physical devices and then removing the volume group from the kernel. In addition, the physical disk can be shut down for physical removal. This utility may become handy if you have an external hard drive which has LVM controlled partitions, some of which may be LUKS controlled.

lvmeject can be used to unmount filesystems on a volume group (VG), to lock LUKS governed encrypted partitions, and to shut down physical disks containing logical volume manager (LVM) and/or encrypted sytems. The encrypted devices may reside both above or below the LVM system layer. lvmeject umounts and locks also all other systems on the same physical disks where the LVM system resides in order to enable removing of the disks from the system.

This tool might be useful for ejecting external hard drives that are governed by logical volume manager.

lvmeject depends on several LVM and device mapper (DM) tools (vgchange, cryptsetup, dmsetup, pvscan) and calls them to perform the actual LVM tasks.

Installable packages (including a man page) can be found from the PPA

The tool is still in a rather experimental state, so I invite you all, please participate!

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Jari Laamanen
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