MagnetoDB poc-1.0.0

The basic project skeleton.
Table, Item CRUD operations

Milestone information

Ilya Sviridov
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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6 Dmitriy Ukhlov, 4 Illia Khudoshyn, 2 Ilya Sviridov, 1 Max Mazur, 1 Yuriy Yekovenko
9 Implemented
5 Fix Released

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download icon magnetodb-1.0.0-poc.dev295.g748a9ad.tar.gz (md5) POC version release 50
last downloaded 66 weeks ago
Total downloads: 50

Release notes 

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9 blueprints and 5 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Amazon DynamoDB compatible API Amazon DynamoDB compatible API 4 High Dmitriy Ukhlov  11 Implemented
Cassadnra cluster deployment script Cassadnra cluster deployment script 4 High Max Mazur  11 Implemented
Cassandra data structure Cassandra data structure 4 High Dmitriy Ukhlov  11 Implemented
Prepare cassandra backend driver Prepare cassandra backend driver 4 High Illia Khudoshyn  11 Implemented
The datasource backend contract The datasource backend contract 4 High Dmitriy Ukhlov  11 Implemented
API unit testing framework API unit testing framework 3 Medium Dmitriy Ukhlov  11 Implemented
DynamoDB Scan operation DynamoDB Scan operation 3 Medium Illia Khudoshyn  11 Implemented
MagnetoDB testing MagnetoDB testing 3 Medium Ilya Sviridov  11 Implemented
boto client integration testing framework boto client integration testing framework 3 Medium Dmitriy Ukhlov  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1267052 #1267052 Error 500 on describe table if table doesn't exist 3 High Ilya Sviridov  10 Fix Released
1267526 #1267526 The 2nd query returns all records instead of the rest of them. 3 High Illia Khudoshyn  10 Fix Released
1269878 #1269878 Table creation fails from time to time 3 High Dmitriy Ukhlov  10 Fix Released
1271207 #1271207 Consistent read doesn't work for just deleted item 3 High Illia Khudoshyn  10 Fix Released
1271942 #1271942 Inconsistent read makes test unstable 3 High Yuriy Yekovenko  10 Fix Released
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