libMalai is a Java implementation of the Malai architectural design pattern. Malai can be viewed as an major step beyond MVC where the controller has been completely rethought to consider modern evolutions of the interactivity of systems. Malai can also be viewed as MVP architecture focusing on modern concerns:
- More and more interactivity in software systems (with more and more post-WIMP interactions)
- Multi-platform development thanks to its modularity
Malai is based on the following HCI concepts: Norman's action model, instrumental interaction, direct manipulation, the interactor concept, and the DPI model.
View full history Series and milestones
2.0 series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1264675: The action MoveCamera should consider the size of the scroll bars
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Bug #1250198: Cannot create an interaction using events from different input devices
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Bug #1186244: Develop an action MoveCamera undoable
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Bug #1186241: In Swing, the event HyperlinkListener is not supported yet
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Bug #1159711: Should provide a smarter mechanism for setting the visibility of instrument's widgets
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Support of the wiimote device
Registered -
Support the javaFX toolkit
Registered -
Support android toolkit
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support swt widgets