Registered by Sean Hodges

A runtime environment for launching and using websites as desktop applications.

DEB packages and source code are available on the project website:

The concept of Medes is to provide a container for launching new and existing Web-based applications (such as Google Mail and Facebook). The container uses the Mozilla layout engine as a back-end to comply with the Web/Javascript demands from the client application, and communicates with an internal "runtime" layer to integrate with the host desktop environment.

The two main objectives for this project is to:
- Support Web applications without any required server-side modifications
- Provide an extremely simple end-user experience
- Treat the supported websites as if they were local applications on the client system
- Only show the target website in the container, external domains are launched in another Medes instance, or the native Web browser
- Provide relatively simple methods for configuring the supported websites

The scope of the project is currently focused on Ubuntu-based distributions that use the GNOME desktop. Other distributions and desktop environments may be supported in the future.

I'm actively looking for people to help work on the project, both with coding and direction. Details for getting involved with development can be found on the project website. Please feel free to contact me (Sean Hodges) if you are interested.

Project information

Sean Hodges
Not yet selected

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C++, Python

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