Registered by Xavier Danaux

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

moderncv: a modern curriculum vitae class

Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing four ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking and oldstyle) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc.

Most commands are defined in such a way that arguments are optional.

Until a decent manual is written, you can always look in the "examples" directory for some examples. Documents can be compiled into dvi, ps or pdf.

Project information

Xavier Danaux
Xavier Danaux
Other/Open Source
(LaTeX Project Public Licence, version 1.3c)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 1.5.1

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