moderncv 0.15

Milestone information

Xavier Danaux
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last downloaded 81 weeks ago
Total downloads: 99

Release notes 

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version 0.15 (19 December 2011)
 - corrected list spacing.
 - corrected inconsistent use of sans serif fonts in roman layout option.
 - the lmodern fonts are now automatically loaded only if installed on the system. The "nolmodern" option is now therefore obsolete.
 - complete code refactoring separating themes in separate styles and colors.
 - renamed \cvline to \cvitem, \cvlanguage to \cvitemwithcomment and \cvcomputer to \cvdoubleitem (the old command name still work and redirect to the new ones, but are deprecated).
 - removed the arbitrary minipage widths of skill proficiency vs comment in \cvitemwithcomments. The skill proficiency is now typeset exactly as given (i.e. one one line if no linebreaks are implicitly given) and the comment uses the remaining horizontal space.
 - changed the optional argument of \cvlistitem and \cvlistdoubleitem to specify the vertical skip after the item (as for \cvitem, cvitemwithcomments, etc). The way to change the list symbol is to redefine \listitemsymbol.
 - added a new style on top of classic and casual: oldstyle.
 - loaded the microtype package to improve typography.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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