moderncv 0.3

Milestone information

Xavier Danaux
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Release notes 

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version 0.3 (10 April 2006)
  - moderncv now uses the 'longtable' class, allowing cv sections to split across multiple pages.
  - the different lengths used by moderncv are now customizable! In particular, the first column (the one containing the date in the examples), can now be set to any width, for people needing a smaller or larger one. To do that, either use
  where <length> is the desired length in a unit LaTeX understands, or
  where <string> is a string of the desired length (usually, the longest string that has to appear in the column). Thanks to A. Pöge for pointing out the need of such a feature.
  - added the command \emptysection{}, which makes it possible to start a section without name. In combination with \closesection{}, this makes it possible to drop out of the layout of moderncv, and come back to it later. This should make the inclusion of arbitrary elements not covered by moderncv code possible.
  - corrected a spacing problem in the cventry command, as pointed out and solved by B. Eßmann.

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