Mirantis OpenStack 6.1-updates

Milestone information

Mirantis OpenStack
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

0 blueprints and 128 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1444978 #1444978 Use namespace autocleanup ability from DHCP and L3 agents 2 Critical Eugene Nikanorov  3 Invalid
1515233 #1515233 [6.1] Too short sleep time before checking fake notification in ceilometer runtests 2 Critical MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1515233 #1515233 [6.1] Too short sleep time before checking fake notification in ceilometer runtests 2 Critical MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1524393 #1524393 Packages with merged patches are not copied to proposed repo 2 Critical Dmitry Burmistrov  3 Invalid
1438067 #1438067 Error in the association floating ip with 2 networks. 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1455451 #1455451 staging for 6.0.1 failed with OSTF error in TestNovaNetwork.test_004_create_servers error 3 High Timur Nurlygayanov  3 Invalid
1467298 #1467298 RABBITMQ cluster crash on CentOS+GRE+525 3 High Fuel Library (Deprecated)  3 Invalid
1467495 #1467495 [packaging][6.1] python-testtools outdated 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1468522 #1468522 [nova] Sometimes VMs are not accessible via console from horizon 3 High MOS Nova  3 Invalid
1468655 #1468655 [mos-infra][6.x] Pin oslo.i18n==1.3.1 for 6.x branches 3 High MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1468673 #1468673 [mos-infra][6.1] Pin oslo.context==0.2.0 3 High MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1469158 #1469158 Image chunks remains in store if upload is interrupted 3 High Alexey Khivin  3 Invalid
1471221 #1471221 [6.1] pbr==0.11 is required 3 High MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1471992 #1471992 Nova cannot use https when call glance-client 3 High Alex Ermolov  3 Invalid
1472367 #1472367 "[Errno 110] Connection timed out" nova and neutron from compute node to rabbitmq 3 High MOS Oslo  3 Invalid
1472593 #1472593 OpenStack services can't find rabbitmq queues 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1475019 #1475019 apparmor blocks ntpd activity 3 High Denis Puchkin  3 Invalid
1475433 #1475433 MySQL connection limit should be increased 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1477926 #1477926 [heat][6.1] oslo.serialization missed in requirements 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1481494 #1481494 Session timed out notice in horizon after idle period 3 High Alex Ermolov  3 Invalid
1481640 #1481640 [Heat] The scale_up and scale_down urls are created with wrong characters 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1487626 #1487626 DHCPNAK after neutron-dhcp-agent restart 3 High Alexey Khivin  3 Invalid
1489797 #1489797 Delayed S3 query processing due to memcached token locks 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  3 Invalid
1493755 #1493755 Neutron L3 agent doesn't reschedule routers when MQ is down 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1493785 #1493785 Network are not rescheduled properly after destroying controller 3 High Sergii Rizvan  3 Invalid
1500295 #1500295 Heat can't create user in keystone 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1504156 #1504156 Murano deployment error 3 High MOS Murano  3 Invalid
1505124 #1505124 Network interface allocation corrupts instance info cache 3 High Sergii Rizvan  3 Invalid
1506491 #1506491 [Backport][Ceilometer] MongoDB reconnect issues 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1525292 #1525292 'After merge'jobs don't triggers after merging into git repository for openstack-ci/fuel-6.1/2014.2 branch 3 High Dmitry Burmistrov  3 Invalid
1526823 #1526823 PKI Token Revocation Bypass (CVE-2015-7546) 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1533285 #1533285 [OSSA 2015-021] secgroup rules doesn't work for instance immediately (CVE-2015-7713) 3 High Denis Puchkin  3 Invalid
1542145 #1542145 [OSSA-2016-004] Swift proxy-server DoS through Large Object (CVE-2016-0737, CVE-2016-0738) 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  3 Invalid
1551988 #1551988 VM that got stuck in deleting state in case of bulk deleting 3 High Denis Puchkin  3 Invalid
1551988 #1551988 VM that got stuck in deleting state in case of bulk deleting 3 High MOS Nova  3 Invalid
1552779 #1552779 Ceilometer agent compute cannot reconnect to rabbitmq after RabbitMQ failover 3 High Dmitry Sutyagin  3 Invalid
1583179 #1583179 [Horizon] Volume created from snapshot via Horizon is empty. 3 High Javier Diaz Jr  3 Invalid
1584504 #1584504 Rabbit OCF scripts cannot identify partial split brain 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1584662 #1584662 [CVE-2016-3710] Multiple Qemu security vulnerabilities 3 High MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1587056 #1587056 To organize security updates testing. 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  3 Invalid
1599528 #1599528 Wrong hypervisor statistics reported 3 High Sergii Rizvan  3 Invalid
1471600 #1471600 Sometimes OSTF test failed after deleting primary controller and redeploy cluster 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  3 Invalid
1482231 #1482231 [keystone][6.1] Failed to import test module: keystone.tests.test_v3_federation 4 Medium MOS Keystone  3 Invalid
1574791 #1574791 Bug is sysstat sar causes unexpected system reboot 4 Medium Alexey Stupnikov  3 Invalid
1459605 #1459605 [Backport 1311533 / 1298350] Heat is unable to attach/detach volumes 1 Undecided Denis Meltsaykin  3 Invalid
1474456 #1474456 [5.1.1] Inconsistency between ISO and mirror.fuel-infra.org 1 Undecided Fuel build team  3 Invalid
1516906 #1516906 py27 fail job for 6.0 updates Heat 1 Undecided MOS Packaging Team  3 Invalid
1516942 #1516942 pep8 job fails for Heat openstack-ci/fuel-6.0-updates/2014.2 1 Undecided Sergey Kraynev  3 Invalid
1528180 #1528180 Novaclient import error on oscc ci 2 Critical Vadim Rovachev  4 Won't Fix
1620216 #1620216 DHCP agent resync restarts all dnsmasq processes on any dhcp driver exception 2 Critical Alexey Stupnikov  4 Won't Fix
1369551 #1369551 Can not remove hanged environment 3 High Denis Puchkin  4 Won't Fix
1406286 #1406286 CentOS 6 cloud image with cloud-init-0.7.5 can not retrieve OpenStack metadata 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1471264 #1471264 a single memcache host should be used for keystone cache 3 High Registry Administrators  4 Won't Fix
1471273 #1471273 'cinder list' ERROR: Gateway Timeout (HTTP 504) when we have more than 50k volumes 3 High Alexey Khivin  4 Won't Fix
1475274 #1475274 [Heat] Failing on creation 100+ VMs 3 High Sergey Kraynev  4 Won't Fix
1480916 #1480916 BlockDeviceDriver uses iscsi protocol to mount volumes 3 High Nikita Konovalov  4 Won't Fix
1481413 #1481413 [Swift] Package python-swift rewrites groups for swift user 3 High Alexey Khivin  4 Won't Fix
1481818 #1481818 Not able to launch new volume-based instance in different availability_zone 3 High Denis Puchkin  4 Won't Fix
1481867 #1481867 Audit module of keystonemiddleware is missed 3 High MOS Keystone  4 Won't Fix
1482888 #1482888 Cannot Download Large Object via CLI (radosgw) 3 High Alex Ermolov  4 Won't Fix
1486944 #1486944 [Plugins] VPN connection is stuck in 'Active' state even if connection isn't established 3 High Elena Ezhova  4 Won't Fix
1487472 #1487472 [ceilometermiddleware][6.1] Failed to import test module: ceilometermiddleware.tests.test_swift 3 High Ilya Tyaptin  4 Won't Fix
1491046 #1491046 [cinder] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Notifier' 3 High MOS Cinder  4 Won't Fix
1494254 #1494254 (docs) horizon haproxy ssl 3 High MOS QA Team  4 Won't Fix
1498186 #1498186 [Murano] Exceptions get muted when occur inside Parallel block 3 High Stan Lagun  4 Won't Fix
1498375 #1498375 Backport upstream fix in Nova for 6.1 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  4 Won't Fix
1501640 #1501640 TCP splicing crashes haproxy 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1503676 #1503676 Nova fails to delete Instance having iscsi volume 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1505273 #1505273 Radosgw does not handle Transfer-Encoding: chunked 3 High Denis Puchkin  4 Won't Fix
1507642 #1507642 [Murano] Deployment history page shows logs only for Deployment 3 High Alexander Tivelkov  4 Won't Fix
1514759 #1514759 Security vulnerability: update kernel packages on Ubuntu slaves (USN-2800-1 and related) 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1516795 #1516795 backport: anti-affinity policy only honored on boot 3 High Roman Rufanov  4 Won't Fix
1518282 #1518282 [Ceilometer] agent-notification listen messages with "blocking" executor 3 High MOS Ceilometer  4 Won't Fix
1532334 #1532334 [Murano] Only ingress rules are supported in security groups 3 High Dmytro Dovbii  4 Won't Fix
1540648 #1540648 Nova-compute and neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent sometimes do not start because of race condition in service start order 3 High Rodion Tikunov  4 Won't Fix
1578370 #1578370 Multiple MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 vulnerabilities 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1587086 #1587086 Ensure CentOS package updates are consumed by SWARM tests 3 High MOS Maintenance QA team  4 Won't Fix
1598229 #1598229 corosync 2.3.4 memory leak 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1603491 #1603491 Keystone consumes 100% cpu 3 High MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1610109 #1610109 [6.1][Swarm] neutron test fails on centos 3 High MOS Maintenance QA team  4 Won't Fix
1634797 #1634797 Request to backport a patch from upstream (Deployments get stuck sometimes until a timeout is reached) 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  4 Won't Fix
1657722 #1657722 Windows VM hangs after live-migration 3 High MOS Nova  4 Won't Fix
1439675 #1439675 Use batching in Heat scheduler 4 Medium Peter Razumovsky  4 Won't Fix
1442193 #1442193 [Ceph] [tempest] All tests for ObjectStorage API failed for clouds with Ceph RadosGW 4 Medium MOS Ceph  4 Won't Fix
1452679 #1452679 [Murano] It is impossible to create a few Kubernetes Clusters with default settings in one Murano environment 4 Medium Stan Lagun  4 Won't Fix
1452722 #1452722 In multi region environment Horizon logs into incorrect region. 4 Medium Denis Meltsaykin  4 Won't Fix
1453971 #1453971 Add periodic agents health check 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1464157 #1464157 [OSCI][6.1] package python-ironicclient outdated 4 Medium Alexey Stupnikov  4 Won't Fix
1467844 #1467844 When concurrent running cdh5 and hdp22 has error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable 4 Medium Evgeny Sikachev  4 Won't Fix
1468839 #1468839 Token not found 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1469411 #1469411 [osci][upgrade] Fix dependencies in linux-firmware package 4 Medium Artem Silenkov  4 Won't Fix
1471303 #1471303 socket_timeout should be 1 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1495001 #1495001 Murano does not cache name-to-id mappings of application packages 4 Medium Stan Lagun  4 Won't Fix
1496389 #1496389 murano-keystonev3-domain-user 4 Medium MOS Murano  4 Won't Fix
1498552 #1498552 radosgw-cannot-find-keystone-domain-users 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1503193 #1503193 novnc - novncproxy_base_url changed to https and port to 443 = 'Invalid Token' - websocketproxy.py adds '/websockify' to token 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1506600 #1506600 [no-OSSN-yet] Eventlet green threads not released back to the pool leading to choking of new requests (no-CVE-yet) 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1509498 #1509498 Ceph doesn't work correctly with Calamari script 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1510083 #1510083 Ceilometer requests fail with Bad Status Line error 4 Medium MOS Ceilometer  4 Won't Fix
1515678 #1515678 extended_volumes slows down the nova instance list by 40..50% 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1522850 #1522850 Permanent Cookie Contains Sensitive Session Information 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1568898 #1568898 [Ceph][Cinder] Cinder to boot a VM using a copy-on-write clone of an image 4 Medium Fuel Documentation Team  4 Won't Fix
1584721 #1584721 atop sometimes misses stats for network interfaces 4 Medium MOS Linux  4 Won't Fix
1591081 #1591081 rbd cannot delete residual image from ceph in some situations 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1592967 #1592967 VMware: datastore_regex not used while sending disk stats 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1593456 #1593456 Horizon makes duplicated and extra requests 4 Medium Timur Sufiev  4 Won't Fix
1529599 #1529599 Cinder can not delete a volume if unprotect is already set 5 Low MOS Cinder  4 Won't Fix
1563758 #1563758 CESA-2016:0494 Moderate CentOS 6 kernel Security Update 5 Low MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1467860 #1467860 File injection doesn't work with Ceph 6 Wishlist MOS Nova  4 Won't Fix
1497460 #1497460 Add capability to detach root device volume of an instance, when in shutoff state 6 Wishlist MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1508713 #1508713 Add pagination support to the volume page in the Dashboard 1 Undecided MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1512391 #1512391 Horizon quota collection sub-optimal 1 Undecided MOS Maintenance  4 Won't Fix
1604763 #1604763 CI test 6.1.mos.deploy-rpm is broken with libvirtError 1 Undecided Fuel CI  4 Won't Fix
1471318 #1471318 [memcache]dead_retry and [cache]memcache_dead_retry should be set back to 300 3 High Alex Ermolov  8 In Progress
1497365 #1497365 Sahara cluster can't be prepared due the error "QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached" 3 High Denis Egorenko  8 In Progress
1682841 #1682841 nova-compute permanently goes down for no particular reason 3 High Dmitry Mescheryakov  8 In Progress
1557730 #1557730 Race condition in quota estimation may lead remaining quota to get negative 4 Medium Rodion Tikunov  8 In Progress
1487481 #1487481 [murano][6.1] PEP8 errors in murano 3 High Ekaterina Chernova  9 Fix Committed
1504133 #1504133 [Murano] Broken pagination in muranoclient 3 High Nikolay Starodubtsev  9 Fix Committed
1505252 #1505252 [Murano][osci] gate-python-muranoclient-python27 is broken for 6.1 3 High Alexey Khivin  9 Fix Committed
1618473 #1618473 nova-compute sets wrong CPU capabilites => guest kernel Oops'es on boot 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  9 Fix Committed
1636528 #1636528 CVE-2016-5195 linux kernel local privilege escalation (Dirty COW) 3 High MOS Maintenance  9 Fix Committed
1494504 #1494504 [keystone][ci] Limit pysaml2 version for old branches 1 Undecided Alexey Khivin  9 Fix Committed
1453978 #1453978 Add logging for agent heartbeats 3 High Elena Ezhova  10 Fix Released
1457461 #1457461 Murano dashboard panel is hidden after running update script 3 High Denis Meltsaykin  10 Fix Released
1511668 #1511668 Instances on the same compute node unable to connect to each other's ports 3 High Denis Puchkin  10 Fix Released
1624289 #1624289 6.1 gate-neutron-pep8 is failing due to a new flake8 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1453971 #1453971 Add periodic agents health check 4 Medium Eugene Nikanorov  10 Fix Released
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