MythTV-Indicator is a Unity/Gnome3 panel indicator supplying Recording and Scheduled program information. Includes notifications of recording activity and program meta data pop-ups.
Provide MythTV with a Unity/Gnome3 panel indicator which reflects the status of Scheduled and Recording programs. There are meta data details pop-ups enhanced with the artwork for those programs.
- Auto configuration attempts to detect your MythTV backend version and configures the indicator accordingly
- Unity/Gnome3 panel icons reflect MythTV's current state
- Recording with a HH:MM counting down until the recording ends
- Idle (Nothing is being recorded)
- The MythTV backend is unavailable
- Preferences GUI pop-up allows users to change the indicator's default settings
- Four alternate sizes for the metadata details pop-up
- Three different theme sizes all include artwork (when available)
- A theme that displays program meta data without artwork
- Notifications
- When a recording starts or stops
- When the MythTV backend is started or stopped
- With MythTV v0.25 installed, no other components of MythTV need be present on your client machine as the Service API's provide all required access to your Backend server
- A Launchpad PPA is available for easy installation/
- An option to include MiroBridge downloaded videos with notifications and meta data details pop-up
Translators and new features would be appreciated from anyone willing to crontribute.
Lauchpad PPA: https:/
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.