Registered by Julian Bilcke

This tool allow you to check if your login, email or real name is "googlable" in major search engines, by collecting any information related to you, *if any* (real name, jobs, age, address, last connection, new urls to continue the exploration etc..).

Technically, it works like a runtime web crawler : it query major search engines, get a list of possible website, forums cointaining your profile or personnal information etc..
These websites are filtered, it only keeps pages looking like "profiles" (blogs, etc) and corresponding to an initial set of information (eg. nick name).
Then the "new" information is extracted and saved for consultation via a simple list-based GUI.
It is not portable as it use an external text-based browser for the extraction (necessary to handle ajax, layers, css..), browser that is only available under linux. (should I "fix" it ?).

Note that everything is made on *your* machine, using your own bandwith, it does not connect to a webservice other than google/yahoo. I do NOT collect anything, and nothing is send except queries to the search engine. So, *do not use this tool* if you do not want to send privacy information to yahoo/google (they probably store queries somewhere ;)

Some facts:
- For the moment, only Yahoo is supported, so it returns very few and sometimes irrelevant results.
- Google is boring because of api use restrictions (no more google key, need to use the JS api..) so for the moment I do not use it.
- The code needs a deeeeep rewrite as I stopped it a year ago, and I was still a beginner in Python (lot of ugly hacks to parse html ;)
- This is a very simple tool and this is not my lead project, so don't expect a lot of release.
- The new version will be linked with my other project, "visaflux", and the results consultation will be far more interesting than a simple list.

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Julian Bilcke
Julian Bilcke

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