Registered by Francis Brosnan

noPoll is a OpenSource WebSocket implementation (RFC 6455), written in ansi C, that allows building pure WebSocket solutions or to provide WebSocket support to existing TCP oriented applications.

noPoll provides support for WebSocket (ws://) and TLS (secure) WebSocket (wss://), allowing message based (handler notified) programming or stream oriented access.

noPoll is a OpenSource WebSocket implementation (RFC 6455), written in ansi C, that allows building pure WebSocket solutions or to provide WebSocket support to existing TCP oriented applications.

noPoll provides support for WebSocket (ws://) and TLS (secure) WebSocket (wss://), allowing message based (handler notified) programming or stream oriented access.

noPoll was written to have a clean and easy to use library. It is released under the terms of LGPL 2.1 (so you can build OpenSource or commercial applications) and currently is being used, among others, by Vortex Library, Turbulence and Core-Admin to provide with WebSocket support to those projects (BEEP over WebSocket).

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Francis Brosnan
Francis Brosnan

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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