ntrack 011

* release focus: compatibility with older distro releases like ubuntu hardy - lp:693214

Milestone information

Alexander Sack
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3 Alexander Sack
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3 Fix Released

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Total downloads: 195

Release notes 

        ntrack version 011 released!

        Homepage: https://launchpad.net/ntrack
        Release: https://launchpad.net/ntrack/main/011
        Download: http://launchpad.net/ntrack/main/011/+download/ntrack-011.tar.gz
        TODO: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ntrack

        This release focusses on making ntrack build with old toolchain and autotools
        from hardy. Various changes were needed to get it build there. Side product of this
        is that we wrapped a new option -enable-developer-build into this build. Using this
        option will tell configure that this is a developer build and that the module loader
        should consider typical source tree directories when looking for loadable backend
        modules. Please ensure you don't keep this option around for production builds.

        Fixed Bugs:
         * lp:693215 - Makefile.am files are not automake 1.7 friendly in ntrack 010
         * lp:693214 - various hardy build problems caused by code + triggering
                       warnings for gcc 4.2
         * lp:693500 - autogen.sh and make distcheck broken for hardy

        Known Issues:
         * no Qt python wrappers yet - lp:505672


View the full changelog

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        Release 011

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        update NEWS for 011 release

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        merge fix for lp:693500: make distcheck fails on hardy - lp:~asac/ntrack/lp693500

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        BUILD: use --enable-developer-build to fix make distcheck for hardy

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        common: search dev source tree for modules #ifdef DEVELOPER_BUILD; stop misusing MAINTAINER_MODE for that

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        BUILD: add --enable-developer-build configure option; do a AC_DEFINE for DEVELOPER_BUILD if enabled; default is off

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        BUILD: ship autogen.sh in release tarballs

2010-12-23 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: improve test-gmonitor-recycle.c by testing two life-cycles in one run

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: improve test-gmonitor-recycle.c by testing two life-cycles in one run

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        merge fix for lp:693214: ntrack hardy build and runtime issues from lp:~asac/ntrack/lp693214

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: properly recycle _singleton.ptr; unset it in finalized and reset initialized variable

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: explicitly link test binary against ../../glib/libntrack-glib.la to keep hardy linker happy for binaries within source tree

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: relax libntrack_gobject_la_CFLAGS to -Wno-error on warnings in generated ntrack-gmarshal.h

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: fix hardy gcc-4.2 strict-aliasing warning about _singleton cast; use a union

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: use union in gmonitor-recycle test to avoid strict-aliasing warning for hardy gcc-4.2

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        BUILD: add AC_SUBST for PYG_CODEGEN and H2DEF to support bot, pygobject-2.0 and pygtk-20 for hardy

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        gobject: handreplace ENUMPREFIX to fix glib-mkenums in hardy and older

2010-12-22 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        BUILD: eliminate NULL and set AM_LDFLAGS everywhere to unbreak old autoreconfs - lp:693215

2010-12-21 Alexander Sack <email address hidden>

        start ntrack 011 development

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
693214 #693214 fails to build in ubuntu hardy 3 High Alexander Sack  10 Fix Released
693215 #693215 sh autogen.sh fails in ubuntu hardy (8.04) 4 Medium Alexander Sack  10 Fix Released
693500 #693500 sh autogen.sh + make distcheck fails when built in hardy 4 Medium Alexander Sack  10 Fix Released
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