Registered by Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

OpenERP Community Backports (Web)

The OpenERP Community Backports are a set of branches that add additional bugfixes to the official OpenERP branches. It consists of the following projects:

Currently, series 6.1 and 7.0 are supported.

The branches are updated nightly with missing revisions from the official branches.

Please read the thread with the original proposal:

You can also read about the history of the 6.1 branches here:
The 6.1 branch contains functional changes listed here:

Functional changes are not encouraged, especially if they change the database layout. In any case, if a change to the database layout should get approved, it should have an additional commit tag '[UPG]' on the first line of the commit message. For example:

    [FIX] [UPG] lp:707923, account: Effective vertical tax rounding by increasing precision

Project information

GNU Affero GPL v3

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View full history Series and milestones

7.0 series is the current focus of development.

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