Tim Van Steenburgh
MetalLB Operator for Kubernetes.
This project is used for bug tracking. Source code is at https:/
Project information
- Licence:
- GNU GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #2037054: metallb app status is in active even when the workload pods are not yet running
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Bug #2033710: iprange parser fails when set to a single IP address
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Bug #2031937: Diataxis Versions of charm documentation
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Bug #2030108: Metallb charm should create a L2Advertistment
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Bug #2019740: metallb-controller errors with container error: "exec /controller: exec format error"
More contributors Top contributors
- Adam Dyess 82 points
- Hemanth Nakkina 15 points
- Stone Preston 8 points
- George Kraft 8 points
- Bas de Bruijne 6 points