Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.4.7

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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6 Sergei Glushchenko, 3 Vasily Nemkov
3 Implemented
6 Fix Released

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New Features
Percona XtraBackup now uses hardware accelerated implementation of crc32 where it is supported.

Percona XtraBackup has implemented new options: xtrabackup --tables-exclude and xtrabackup --databases-exclude that work similar to xtrabackup --tables and xtrabackup --databases options, but exclude given names/paths from backup.

The xbstream binary now supports parallel extraction with the --parallel option.

The xbstream binary now supports following new options: --decrypt, --encrypt-threads, --encrypt-key, and --encrypt-key-file. When --decrypt option is specified xbstream will automatically decrypt encrypted files when extracting input stream. Either --encrypt-key or --encrypt-key-file options must be specified to provide encryption key, but not both. Option --encrypt-threads specifies the number of worker threads doing the encryption, default is 1.
Bugs fixed
Backups were missing *.isl files for general tablespace. Bug fixed #1658692.

In 5.7 MySQL changed default checksum algorithm to crc32, while xtrabackup was using innodb. This caused xtrabackup to perform extra checksum calculations which were not needed. Bug fixed #1664405.

For system tablespaces consisting of multiple files xtrabackup updated LSN only in first file. This caused MySQL versions lower than 5.7 to fail on startup. Bug fixed #1669592.

xtrabackup --export can now export tables that have more than 31 index. Bug fixed #1089681.

Unrecognized character \x01; marked by <-- HERE message could be seen if backups were taken with the version check enabled. Bug fixed #1651978.

3 blueprints and 6 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add option decrypt for xbstream 2.4 Add option decrypt for xbstream 2.4 1 Undefined Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Parallel extract for xbstream 2.4 Parallel extract for xbstream 2.4 1 Undefined Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Use hw accelerated implementation of crc32 when possible (2.4) Use hw accelerated implementation of crc32 when possible (2.4) 1 Undefined Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1658692 #1658692 Missing .isl file for general tablespace from backup 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1664405 #1664405 Change default for innodb_checksum_algorithm in 2.4 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1669592 #1669592 MySQL 5.6 fails to start on the incremental backup prepared with 2.4 and non-default innodb_data_file_path 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1089681 #1089681 xtrabackup export - support tables with more than 31 indexes 4 Medium Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1272329 #1272329 innobackupex dies if a directory is not readable. i.e.: lost+found 5 Low Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1651978 #1651978 Unrecognized character \x01; marked by <-- HERE 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
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