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1.2.0 release from the stable series released

Release information
Release notes:

* Webserver overhaul (@Baklap4)
* Not enabled on Windows builds.
* Add song paths in game (@nieknooijens)
* Configurable playlist duration (@nieknooijens)
* Audio system overhaul (@Lord-Kamina)
* Added Pro Mode to the drums (@earlye)
* Metadata caching (@Baklap4)
* Changing languages from within the menu (@Baklap4)
* Windows installer (@Baklap4)
* Improved frequency detection while singing (@Tronic)
* Note graph scaling: Static, dynamic (@twollgam)
* Difficulty levels for singing (@isadofschi)
* Proper support for Hi-DPI displays (@Lord-Kamina)
* Auto-merging of duet tracks (@Lord-Kamina)


* Changing languages from within the menu (@Baklap4)
* Windows installer (@Baklap4)
* Improved frequency detection while singing (@Tronic)
* Note graph scaling: Static, dynamic (@twollgam)
* Difficulty levels for singing (@isadofschi)
* Proper support for Hi-DPI displays (@Lord-Kamina)
* Auto-merging of duet tracks (@Lord-Kamina)
* Remembering sort order (@nieknooijens)
* Fullscreen mode on MacOS (@Tronic)
* Fix a crash in playlist screen when there was an empty playlist (@nieknooijens)
* Several memory leaks (@OznOg)
* Shortcuts in game representation (@Baklap4)
* Path screen selection on top (@OznOg)
* Devices were off by one (@OznOg)
* Missing cache entries (@OznOg)
* Autodetecting webcam (@Baklap4)
* Pitchwave order is now based on score. Highest gets shown on top (@Baklap4)
* Fix a crash where a player gets more than 10k points (@Baklap4)
* Nav keys getting stuck (@Tronic)
* Fixed a couple missing glyphs in the Goblin One font (@Lord-Kamina)
* Updated version of Droid Sans font (@Lord-Kamina)
* Default aspect ratio is now 16:9 (@Lord-Kamina)
* Fix backward audio seeking (@OznOg)
* Better error handling with corrupt files (@OznOg)

File Description Downloads
download icon Performous-1.2.0-ubuntu2204.deb (md5) performous-1.2.0-ubuntu22.04 14
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
download icon Performous-1.2.0-ubuntu2004.deb (md5) performous-1.2.0-ubuntu20.04 13
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
download icon performous-1.2.0.tar.gz (md5) performous-1.2.0-source 12
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
Total downloads: 39