Timo Vanwynsberghe
With Pigeon Planner you can organise and manage a database of your pigeons. View/add details to each pigeon such as name, colour, sex, an image and more. View the pedigree, relatives or results while scrolling through the list.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python, PyGTK
All packages Packages in Distributions
planner source package in Sid
Version 0.14.91-3 uploaded
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #2004472: OSX: cannot change pigeon color with the drop-down list
Reported -
Bug #2004471: osx: top window is not active window
Reported -
Bug #1953684: Multimedia data should be store within database
Reported -
Bug #1891555: Pigeon Planner doesn't work with Python 3.8
Reported -
Bug #1778130: cannot launch app anymore under MacOS 10.13.x (High Sierra)
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Add pigeon import/export function
More contributors Top contributors
- Timo Vanwynsberghe 2252 points
- Jean-Marc 1550 points
- tonis 1322 points
- Andi Chandler 1185 points
- mody 273 points