pigment 0.3.6 "Niko Bellic"

Milestone information

Code name:
Niko Bellic
Loïc Molinari
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Release notes 

Changes since 0.3.5:

      * Added an OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 plugin.
      * Added support for the GLX texture-from-pixmap extension.
      * Added support to rotate drawables.
      * Highly improved Windows support.
      * Added support to rotate and reflect a canvas.
      * Added support for pressure events coming from touchscreens.
      * Added motion, entered and left signals to drawables.
      * Added support for mouse navigation events in the GStreamer image sink
        to handle DVD menu elements for instance.
      * Added support to transform positions from/to viewport, canvas or image
        coordinate spaces.


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Tickets fixed since 0.3.5:

      * #8 : Spline interpolation
      * #63 : Hardware video overlay
      * #144 : Segfault while trying to open video
      * #145 : we can't use in pipeline drawable not added to a canvas
      * #178 : Enter/leave drawable signals
      * #208 : implicit animation leaks
      * #210 : examples on gutsy: `PGM_IS_VIEWPORT (viewport)' failed
      * #223 : Drawables "released" signal prototype inconsistency
      * #224 : [repository] The common/ external should be dropped
      * #235 : pigment locks when windows is out of screen
      * #239 : Bad error handling: exit(1) in main loop due to glXChooseFBConf...
      * #244 : support for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap in OpenGL on X11
      * #245 : Rotation and reflection of the canvas
      * #248 : C++ reserved keywords used as structure fields
      * #251 : Rotation support
      * #253 : User defined hook in the render thread prior to each rendering
      * #254 : Process deadlocks at closing on Windows
      * #255 : Motion, entered and left signals for drawables
      * #256 : Rotation of drawables are not handled for picking
      * #257 : Conversion fuctions between canvas, drawable and image spaces
      * #258 : PgmImageSink should send GstEvents on the pipeline for mouse mo...
      * #260 : [win32] the window is shown at creation
      * #262 : Mouse related signals are emitted even if opacity is 0
      * #263 : [win32] no possibility to get the win32 windows handle from a p...
      * #264 : [win32] Fullscreen crashes with Intel chipsets/drivers

API added since 0.3.5:

      * PgmViewportCapacity::PGM_VIEWPORT_TOUCHPAD enum field
      * PgmEventType::PGM_BUTTON_PRESSURE enum field
      * PgmEventMotion::pressure struct field
      * PgmEventButton::pressure struct field
      * PgmViewport::button-pressure-event signal
      * PgmDrawable::pressured signal
      * pgm_image_set_from_system_buffer() function
      * pgm_image_system_buffer_lock() function
      * pgm_image_system_buffer_unlock() function
      * PgmImageSystemBuffer struct
      * PgmImageStorageType::PGM_IMAGE_SYSTEM_BUFFER struct field
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_IMAGE_DATA_SYSTEM_BUFFER struct field
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_IMAGE_SYSTEM_BUFFER_CONTENT struct field
      * PgmViewportCapacity::PGM_VIEWPORT_X11_SYSTEM_BUFFER struct field
      * PgmViewportReflection struct
      * PgmViewportRotation struct
      * pgm_viewport_set_canvas_rotation() function
      * pgm_viewport_get_canvas_rotation() function
      * pgm_viewport_set_canvas_reflection() function
      * pgm_viewport_get_canvas_reflection() function
      * pgm_drawable_set_rotation_x() function
      * pgm_drawable_get_rotation_x() function
      * pgm_drawable_set_rotation_y() function
      * pgm_drawable_get_rotation_y() function
      * pgm_drawable_set_rotation_z() function
      * pgm_drawable_get_rotation_z() function
      * pgm_viewport_emit_update_pass() function
      * PgmViewport::update-pass signal
      * pgm_drawable_from_canvas() function
      * pgm_drawable_to_canvas() function
      * pgm_image_from_drawable() function
      * pgm_image_to_drawable() function
      * PgmImageSinkEventMask struct
      * PgmImageSink::events property
      * pgm_image_sink_set_events() function
      * pgm_image_sink_get_events() function

API changed since 0.3.5:

      * PgmDrawable::pressed signal prototype
      * PgmDrawable::clicked signal prototype
      * PgmDrawable::drag-begin signal prototype
      * PgmDrawable::drag-motion signal prototype
      * PgmDrawable::released signal prototype
      * PgmViewport::delete-event signal prototype
      * Removed PgmEventDelete struct

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