Registered by Loïc Minier

pkgbinarymangler consists of a dpkg-deb wrapper that calls helper applications while building a debian binary package

pkgbinarymangler calls the following helper applications:

pkgstriptranslations removes all *.mo files in /usr/share/locale from all package build directories. It is used to strip off gettext translations from generated binary packages, because translations are already shipped in the language packs. Its behaviour (which is disabled by default) is configured in /etc/pkgbinarymangler/striptranslations.conf.

pkgmaintainermangler adjusts the maintainer field in binary packages to match a set of rules (including whitelists, mass renames by component, maintainer name, etc) defined in the pkgmaintainermangler configuration file at /etc/pkgbinarymangler/maintainermangler.conf.

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Loïc Minier
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