News and announcements

iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.0.4 Released

Written for iHRIS Suite by Carol Bales on 2010-05-12

We are pleased to announce the release of iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.0.4. New enhancements in the 4.0.4 versions include a standardized date picker, overall speed improvements, report display improvements, more detailed error messages, and database storage enhancements. Note: There are issues with running iHRIS 4.0.4 on Ubuntu 10.4 with PHP 5.3. We have documented a solution here:

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iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.0.3 Released

Written for iHRIS Suite by Carol Bales on 2010-03-11

We are pleased to announce the release of iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.0.3. New enhancements in the 4.0.3 versions include the ability to search records by recent changes; improved translation tools; increased interoperability with other health information systems software through a pluggable authentication module and a module to map data to UUIDs; speed improvements to form cashing and custom reporting; a workplace incident module and an accident/injury module in iHRIS Manage; and improved support for Red Hat Linux distribution.

iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.0.2 Released

Written for iHRIS Suite by Carl Leitner on 2009-11-18

We have released a minor upgrade for iHRIS Manage. We have released a major upgrade for iHRIS Qualify, as it migrated to the more sophisticated data structure that was introduced with iHRIS Manage 4.0. New enhancements in the 4.0.2 versions of both products allow users to upload resumes and photos, support decentralized data management, easily read data from other databases, time stamp reports, and export reports in XML format. In iHRIS Manage, users can now link to standardized ISCO job codes.

iHRIS Manage 4.0.0 Released

Written for iHRIS Suite by Shannon Turlington on 2009-07-14

We have released a major update to iHRIS Manage as version 4.0.0. This update includes significant improvements in the database, import and export data functions, field and role customizations, enhanced search capability, registration/license number support and minor user interface improvements.

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Announcing release of iHRIS Suite 3.1.3

Written for iHRIS Suite by Shannon Turlington on 2008-11-20

We have released a minor bug fix release to the iHRIS suite of software as version 3.1.3. This release also betters supports translation in Launchpad. Corresponding releases of iHRIS Plan 1.0.3 and Windows iHRIS 3.1.3 have been posted as well.

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