pyneighborhood 0.5.3

New release with several userface-improvement, debug-levels and a new area in the mainwindow with messages, warnings and errors. Besides, there will be a new program named "pyNeighborhood-debug" which collects debug-data for bugreporting.

Milestone information

Betz Stefan
Release registered:
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3 Patrick Geltinger, 1 pyNeighborhood
1 Implemented
2 Won't Fix, 7 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon pyneighborhood-0.5.3.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) pyNeighborhood sources 597
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 597

Release notes 

pyNeighborhood is GTK2 Python rewrite of the well-known gtk1 tool
"LinNeighborhood". It features group browser, favourite hosts
manager and mounts monitor.

= Requirements =
 * linux >= 2.6
 * python >= 2.5
 * python distutils >= 2.5
 * pygtk >= 2.12
 * samba >= 3.0.x
 * gettext >= 0.16
 * bazaar >= 1.0

= Installation =
1. bzr branch -r tag:0.5.3 lp:pyneighborhood/0.5 pyneighborhood
2. cd pyneighborhood
3. make install

Remember: Install command should run as root (sudo, su or whatever your system is using).

Please use for bugreports, contact and more!


View the full changelog


 * User visible events viewer
 * Removed --trace and --debug command line switches
 * New pyNeighborhood-debug command for better developer related debug informations
 * Updated translations and translation templates
 * Fixed some small bugs
 * Fixed permissions-check (LP 635853)
 * Fixed a problem with untranslated items

1 blueprint and 9 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
More debug messages and several debug-levels More debug messages and several debug-levels 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
661802 #661802 [KDE] pyneighborhood crashes on startup 3 High pyNeighborhood  4 Won't Fix
623575 #623575 Overlapping buttons in maverick 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
665030 #665030 [KDE] crash on startup - pyneighborhood cannot import name config 3 High   10 Fix Released
635853 #635853 pyNeighborhood doesn't check if write acces for mountpoint exist 4 Medium Patrick Geltinger  10 Fix Released
640664 #640664 share not shown in list of mounted shares after mounting 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
635859 #635859 print mount-messages and -errors in debug 5 Low   10 Fix Released
649181 #649181 unmount-debug-message is shown before share is unmounted 5 Low Patrick Geltinger  10 Fix Released
661393 #661393 could not open homepage in KDE 5 Low Patrick Geltinger  10 Fix Released
635864 #635864 size of debug-window should be change changeable 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
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