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 This module makes the libogg (Ogg) functions available in Python. With this module you can write Python applications that use the ogg library.

These are object-oriented Python bindings for the ogg and ao libraries. Ogg is a multimedia bitstream format. Currently the only stream type is Vorbis, a patent-free replacement for MP3. You will ned the vorbis libraries from in order to use these bindings. Ao is an audio abstraction library that lets you output to different devices using the same interface. It goes well with vorbis and can also be found at You can also output to the linuxaudiodev module in Python2.0. Right now you can use these bindings to play ogg/vorbis files with Python, so you can pretty easily write a 5-line ogg player. Encoding is a bit more complicated, but can be accomplished in a page or two of code (getting to the audio data is the hard part)

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