Reference implementation of the SuperGenPass algorithm in Python. Ported from http://
This tool generates a unique password for each domain, solving the problem of having to remember a million passwords.
SuperGenPass (http://
We have ported it to Python for a number of reasons:
* We want a clearly readable reference implementation of the algorithm, so we know how it works and we can trust it.
* We want to use the tool in a number of forms: on the command line, in a GUI, integrated with the operating system, on mobile devices, etc. Python is widely used and can produce tools in all these forms and more.
* There is a subtle security vulnerability in the JavaScript bookmarklet version -- a malicious site could snoop the master password from the JavaScript form. This vulnerability is not present in offline versions of the algorithm (though this is also true of the "mobile version" provided at http://
PySGP is that implementation. It should generate the exact same passwords as SuperGenPass 1.3, so you can use the two tools interchangeably. We would like to further this by developing a more rigorous specification of the SGP algorithm, which can be implemented by many tools in a compatible way.
We are currently getting ourselves set up, so there is not a lot of documentation. This tool is in its early stages, so please don't rely on it - use the JavaScript version. If you want to help us out, use our tool as well as the original JavaScript one, and let us know if there are any discrepancies between the two.
View full history Series and milestones
platform series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #722077: platform integration should degrade gracefully when components aren't available
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Bug #324910: Setup: Source dist does not copy domainlist.txt
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Bug #324908: CLI version: Store hash of master password; previous domains
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Bug #324870: CLI version: Accept a domain by default, not a URL
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Bug #313472: Unicode character bits thrown away
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Standardise the SGP algorithm