Registered by Manveru

QAutoRouter is the cross platform (Using Qt Cross Platform C++ Application Framework) Open Source batch PCB auto-router that can read and write Specctra files such that it can be used with PCB design software such as KiCad or gEDA PCB.

It is an auto-router that is written in C++ on Qt application framework, reads/writes Specctra file format and uses a plug-in style of interface for the router engines (these have to be implemented).

It is very alpha at this stage, I have much of the UI, file I/O, and the plug-in API operational. I am working on a "Simple Router" plug-in at the moment that is implementing a simplified version of the expanding box algorithm. The Simple Router will be used as a sort of template for debugging the plug-in API and as a template for developing more sophisticated plug-ins. Toporouter would be a good one.

In any case, it would be great to get a few other people on-board, a developer or two that is quite proficient in C++ would be very helpful, some hands-on with Qt would help a lot too.

Someone to look after the Windows and Mac OS-X build and release would be very helpful.

Someone to help with packaging; Windows installer, Mac OSX installer, and Linux .deb (this is currently covered for Ubuntu), .rpm packages would be helpful as well.

If you're interested, please just send me a little about what you can contribute, and your SourceForge ID.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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C++, Qt

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QAutoRouter does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.


  • Pushing, pushing... on 2011-07-12
    QAutoRouter has its branch on Launchpad, cloned everyday from SVN. First step...