QBzr 0.21 "Tilia"

Milestone information

Code name:
Alexander Belchenko
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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3 Alexander Belchenko, 1 Dr Al, 3 Gordon Tyler, 1 IWATA Hidetaka, 1 Jonathan Riddell
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
9 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon qbzr-0.21.tar.gz (md5, sig) Sources 63
last downloaded 69 weeks ago
download icon qbzr-setup-0.21.exe (md5, sig) Windows installer 155
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
Total downloads: 218

Release notes 

0.21 "Tilia" - 2011/07/21
What's new in this release:

QBzr 0.21 is companion release for bzr 2.4, and compatible with bzr 2.3.
New features in this release:

Now you can select changes to shelve and unshelve your saved changes with
new shiny qshelve and qunshelve dialogs.

qdiff window has been reworked and all controls moved to a toolbar, similar to
one in qannotate window. Also qdiff toolbar provides you new functions: text
search within active pane and also knob to ignore whitespace changes (it's
also available as command-line option).

User can configure the tab width and this setting affects qdiff, qannotate and
qcat windows. By default tab width equals to 8 characters, user can set new
default value in bazaar.conf as ``tab_width = N`` (either via qconfig or
editing [DEFAULT] section of bazaar.conf). Also user can set individual tab
width for branches in their branch.conf. User can configure tab width via
"View Options" menu in toolbars of qdiff, qannotate.

QBzr provides support for new builtin feature of bzr: mergetools. Now you can
easier configure your favorite diff/merge tool to be used from qconflicts or
context menu in qbrowse (Working Tree browser in Bazaar Explorer).

If you have python-gpgme installed and you have enabled gpg-signatures for
your commits then you can see new messages regarding valid gpg-signatures
available in qlog. Also you can run check of your signatures with new
qverify-signatures command.

Other changes include major rework of qinfo dialog (show the same information
as CLI ``bzr info`` does), qcommit dialog now remembers state of "Show
non-versioned" knob between runs, now it's possible to save old state of the
file from qlog dialog (using context menu in file list), error dialogs has been
improved (now also support apport if available)
and several other improvements and bugfixes (see full changelog for details).


View the full changelog

Changes after 0.21 beta 1:

 * qcat:
   * Fixed problem with viewing file from qbrowse.
     (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #776196)
 * qinfo:
   * Turned off word-wrap in location label: prevents strange
     path display if there are spaces in the path.
     (A. S. Budden, Bug #781040)
   * Fixed UnicodeError for non-ascii paths.
     (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #790138)
 * qdiff, qannotate:
   * Tab-width can be customised from the view menu.
     (Bug #490377, A. S. Budden)
 * qgetnew:
   * The target location no longer gets overwritten
     when the source location changes. (AndrГ© Bachmann)
 * qlog:
   * File list context menu: added support to save content of a file
     of specific revision as a new file. (AndrГ© Bachmann)
   * Show digital signature information for commits if python-gpgme is
 * Improved error dialogs on internal/other error,
   support for apport (if it's available).
   (Jonathan Riddell)
 * Branch/Checkout dialogs:
   * Fixed UnicodeDecodeError with non-ascii paths in target directory
     picker. (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #789083)
 * Use bzrlib.mergetools for managing and using external merge tools in qconfig
   and qconflicts. (Bug #489915, Gordon Tyler)
 * New qshelve / qunshelve dialogs. (IWATA Hidetaka)
 * New command qverify-signatures to show digital signature statuses
   for branch commits

Changes in 0.21 beta 1:

 * qbranch:
   * Fixed problem with very small width of input fields in the dialog
     on Mac OSX. (Timothy Reaves, Bug #667090)
 * qbrowse:
   * Use `qcat --native` equivalent to allow opening copies of files from
     branches without working trees. (A. S. Budden, Bug #752422)
 * qcommit:
   * Remember "Show non-versioned" checkbox state.
     (Nick Sonneveld, Bug #258926)
 * qconflicts:
   * Fixed internal error when there is conflict in non-versioned file.
     (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #655451)
 * qdiff:
   * New toolbar with controls and options (similar to qannotate's toolbar).
     (Dorin ScutaraИ™u)
   * Support for ignore whitespace differences in changes.
     This mode can be turned on from command-line (`qdiff -w`
     or `qdiff --ignore-whitespace`) and from GUI itself (in View Options).
     (Dorin ScutaraИ™u, Glen Mailer, Bug #642000)
   * Added Find action to do text search within either pane.
     (Dorin ScutaraИ™u, Bug #497832)
 * qinfo:
   * Significantly simpler implementation that shows the information
     provided by Bazaar. This fills in the gaps in the data shown
     by qinfo (such as details of checkouts) and means that changes
     to 'bzr info' will automatically be reflected in qinfo.
     (A. S. Budden, Bug #439624)
 * qsubprocess:
   * Reliable exception encoding to pass exception attributes
     from subprocess to the GUI process. (Martin [gz], Bug #686735)
 * qannotate, qdiff:
   * Find text box turns red if no matches are found.
     (A. S. Budden, Bug #772244)
 * qcat, qannotate, qdiff, qconfig:
   * Added ability to customise the tab-stop width (setting in qconfig,
     affects qcat, qannotate and qdiff).
     The setting is stored in [DEFAULT] section of bazaar.conf,
     and is named tab_width (it can also be configured with qconfig). Units
     are characters (so 4 means a tab should be displayed with the width of 4
     spaces). The default value is 8. The setting can also be adjusted in
     branch.conf for specific branches. (Bug #490377, A. S. Budden)

0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
776196 #776196 traceback: AttributeError: 'FakeBranch' object has no attribute 'get_config' 2 Critical Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
805472 #805472 type object 'GPGStrategy' has no attribute 'verify_signatures_available' 2 Critical Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
808734 #808734 qunshelve: python crashes when changing shelve-id selection many times in a short time. 2 Critical IWATA Hidetaka  10 Fix Released
489915 #489915 [master] external diff/merge configuration needs serious rework 3 High Gordon Tyler  10 Fix Released
781040 #781040 qinfo wraps location if there are spaces in the path 3 High Dr Al  10 Fix Released
790138 #790138 qinfo: UnicodeEncodeError with non-ascii location 3 High Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
805338 #805338 Added a new merge tool fails in qconfig 3 High Gordon Tyler  10 Fix Released
778012 #778012 User errors reported in dialogue box but not recorded in .bzr.log 4 Medium Jonathan Riddell  10 Fix Released
805486 #805486 New merge tools support should try to import old merge tool config 4 Medium Gordon Tyler  10 Fix Released
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