qpdfview 0.4.7

Extends bookmarks storage format to add labelled bookmarks. Extends handling of annotations and form fields using overlays. Adds support for opening execute links and for saving file attachments from annotations. Improves parsing of command-line arguments and Workbench integration on AmigaOS. Improves handling of movement keys in certain corner cases. Adds keyboard shortcut to focus current page and scale factor in tool bar.

Milestone information

Adam Reichold
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9 Adam Reichold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
9 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Extended bookmarks storage format to add labelled bookmarks. Extended handling of annotations and form fields using overlays. Added support for opening execute links and for saving file attachments from annotations. Improved parsing of command-line arguments and Workbench integration on AmigaOS. Improved handling of movement keys in certain corner cases. Added keyboard shortcut to focus current page and scale factor in tool bar.


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0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1254606 #1254606 Restore Tabs doesn't work anymore in Ubuntu Saucy 3 High Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1239281 #1239281 [typo] 'Invert colors' location 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1248444 #1248444 Bookmarks / Outline collapsing bug 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1232124 #1232124 Extend bookmarking system to support custom label 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1238219 #1238219 Detect unknown command-line options 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1238689 #1238689 Fixes for AmigaOS 4 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1239054 #1239054 Add keyboard shortcuts to focus current page and scale factor tool bar elements 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1241576 #1241576 Add support for execute links and file attachments to open movies in external viewer 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1246772 #1246772 Use tab to jump to next fourm field. 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
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