Let's make Python programming for Ubuntu even more easy and fun!
Quickly Widgets is a library of Pygtk Widgets and other modules. I created Quickly Widgets because there are certain modules that I wrote that I end up copying into my Python projects over and over again. Quickly Widgets will provide a dependency so I can keep all the code in one place.
Quickly Widgets is kind of like libsexy (http://
So far Quickly Widgets has, among others:
• AsynchTaskProgr
• DictionaryGrid - Make a TreeView with just a few lines of code. Just give it some dictionaries to display, and all the set up is done for you. DictionaryGrid also comes with GridFilters to make it easy and fun to add filtering UI to your app.
• PressAndHoldButton - A button that fires tick events so long as the user keeps it held down.
• Prompts - Get input from users using one liners, like quickly.
Contributions welcome!
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python
All packages Packages in Distributions
quickly-widgets source package in Trusty
Version 12.03 uploaded -
quickly-widgets source package in Precise
Version 12.03 uploaded
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1034553: MediaPlayerBox uses 100% cpu while playing
Reported -
Bug #1010371: webcambox does not display webcam in main window
Reported -
Bug #1010360: Webcambox can not be created
Reported -
Bug #841357: DictionaryGrid.editable does not work for CheckColumn
Reported -
Bug #838559: MediaPlayerBox should have a start_position, end_position and an "end-reached" signal