Ramen is a free node based video compositor, It works in full HDR color precision.
Ramen is being developed and tested on Linux (ubuntu 8.10) and Mac OSX.
It is portable, so a windows version should not be difficult to build.
This software is currently under heavy development. Some features are incomplete
and/or buggy, the file format changes from time to time. Finally, it needs testing.
- Reads and writes OpenEXR, SGI, JPG and DPX images.
- Channel manipulation nodes.
- Basic color correction nodes, color match between images, log to linear conversions.
- Gaussian blur, patch blur, unsharp mask.
- Crop, resize, and transform 2d nodes.
- Layer nodes, over, add, screen, ...
- Tonemap operators based in pfstmo: Durand, Drago, Fattal.
- Bezier masks with animation.
- integrated playexr flipbook.
. Rendering from GUI or command line.
So, why should I use it?
Batch processing a sequence of HDR images, color correct, crop, filter, remove noise, tonemap, ...
Developing your own image processing algorithms. Create a new node subclass with your algorithm. Use the inspector and the image viewer for testing and instant feedback.
It's free.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.