
13 of 3 results
couchapp-backbone series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: 1 New, 1 Won't Fix, 1 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: 62 Unknown, 4 Not started, 1 Started, 36 Implemented, 2 Informational

Convert the couchapp to use backbone.js

trunk series Active Development
Bugs targeted: 1 Won't Fix, 1 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: 1 Started, 8 Implemented, 2 Informational

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

couchapp series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: 1 Implemented

We're using this series to initially convert the code into a couchapp.

13 of 3 results