Reformed Churches Locator couchapp-backbone series

Convert the couchapp to use backbone.js

Series information

Reformed Churches Locator
Project drivers:
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is the focus of development.
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Code for this series

The following branch has been registered as the mainline branch for this release series:

265 revisions.

You can get a copy of the development focus branch using the command:
bzr branch lp://staging/reformedchurcheslocator

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Milestones and releases

113 of 13 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Reformed Churches Locator 1.1 "public site launch" None not yet released Publicize the central Reformed Churches Locator website
Reformed Churches Locator 1.0 "1.0 release" None not yet released First working version ready for public consumption. This should be a bugfix ... Blueprints targeted: 1 Informational
Reformed Churches Locator 0.9 "Last features" None not yet released Last features before feature freeze Blueprints targeted: 1 Unknown
Reformed Churches Locator 0.7 "javascript widget" None not yet released Create embeddable JavaScript widget that packages one site's presentation and... Blueprints targeted: 2 Unknown
Reformed Churches Locator 0.6 "groups" None not yet released Refine groups features Blueprints targeted: 2 Unknown
Reformed Churches Locator 0.5 "peer-to-peer network" None not yet released Create a simple peer-to-peer network to allow multiple Reformed Churches Loca... Blueprints targeted: 6 Unknown
Reformed Churches Locator 0.4 "plugin framework" None not yet released Plugin framework & OPC, PCA, and URC plugins working Blueprints targeted: 4 Unknown, 1 Informational
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.6-congregation-entry-form "0.3.6" None not yet released Blueprints targeted: 1 Not started
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.5 "versioning" None not yet released Implement versioning blueprints Blueprints targeted: 4 Unknown, 3 Implemented
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.3 "provide feeds" None not yet released Create feeds of data Blueprints targeted: 3 Unknown
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3 "map page" None not yet released Have a working map page.
Bugs targeted: 2 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: 10 Unknown, 1 Started, 2 Implemented
Reformed Churches Locator 0.2 "congregations page" 2010-11-25 not yet released Display a working congregations page
Bugs targeted: 1 New
Blueprints targeted: 2 Unknown, 3 Implemented
Reformed Churches Locator 0.1 "running app with example data" 2010-10-28 not yet released The goal for this milestone is to have a running app containing example congr...
Bugs targeted: 2 Won't Fix
Blueprints targeted: 11 Implemented
113 of 13 results

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