If you need work and have very strong computer skills, come join the Caney Python Users Group (CaneyPUGgies) 5-7 PM Mondays (bring a sack lunch) at Starbucks on Frank Phillips in Bartlesville, OK, except on some days as listed at http://caneypuggies.alwaysreformed.com/wiki/PastMeetingMinutes. CaneyPUGgies will 1) teach themselves framework-style web programming using Backbone.js, CouchDB, and Node.js by 2) producing a working open source web application named Reformed Churches Locator (https://launchpad.net/reformedchurcheslocator). Membership is free. Your costs will be your time, a wireless laptop computer with 3+ GB RAM, and either a 32+ GB bootable flash/USB drive or a Ubuntu installation on your computer. Your reward will be that after a year of dedicated effort you may be able to earn money as a web programmer. Both beginners and experts are welcome.

"We'll be using cutting-edge web programming tools and techniques you could use to make your own Twitter or Facebook" says Tim Black, former pastor of Caney Orthodox Presbyterian Church, who has worked as a part-time web programmer for 15 years, and has 8 years of experience using Turbogears. "My hope is CaneyPUGgies will give more people a reason to live and work in Caney, and perhaps even start a new industry here."

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