Registered by Eduardo Mucelli Rezende Oliveira

"Repeat one song" feature for Rhythmbox

A history

I left Songbird and begin using Rhythmbox but the repeat one song feature was not present. I cried ... a lot, but from scratch I did learn some Python, Internationalization, and Rhythmbox plugins idea and poof! the plugin is here.

* Download

For Rhythmbox 3.0.1 or superior, for example the one shipped with Ubuntu Trusty Tahr, you have to download the version 0.4.

For Rhythmbox 2.99 to 3.0.0, for example the one shipped with Ubuntu Saucy Salamander, you have to download the version 0.3.

For Rhythmbox from version 2.96 to 2.98, for example the one shipped with Ubuntu Precise Pangolin, you have to download the version 0.2.

For older versions of Rhythmbox, you have to download the version 0.1.

To download the plugin version 0.4 click on the green button on the "Downloads" -------------->
To download the plugin version 0.3 go to "All downloads" ------------------------------------------------>
To download the plugin version 0.2 go to "All downloads" ------------------------------------------------>
To download the plugin version 0.1 go to "All downloads" ------------------------------------------------>

* Installation

For Rhythmbox 2.99 or superior: extract the tar.gz, copy the folder repeat-one-song and paste it into ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/

For Rhythmbox 2.98 or inferior:

Extract the .tar.gz package and copy the "repeat-one-song" folder and paste it into ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/ -- If "plugins", or "rhythmbox" directories does not exist, just create them. For some new versions distro, e.g., you can try paste the folder into ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins. If you did create the folders described before and the plugin did not appeared in the Rhythmbox list, paste the "repeat-one-song" folder in /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins directory.

* Usage

For Rhythmbox 2.99 or superior:
Open Rhythmbox and load the plugin by "Rhythmbox (menu) -> Plugins", select the "Repeat One Song" in the list.
To repeat the current song you: Edit (menu) -> Repeat current song, or using Ctrl + E shortcut

For Rhythmbox 2.98 or inferior:

Open Rhythmbox and load the plugin by "Edit (menu) -> Plug-ins", select the "Repeat One Song" in the list. Activate the plugin by "Control (menu) -> Repeat one", or click in the Toolbar button that shows the Repeat one icon, or you can use the marvelous shortcut Ctrl+E. In later versions to 0.0.5 (unstable) you can define the number of repetitions for the current song in the Preferences dialog: "Edit (menu) -> Plug-ins", select "Repeat One Song" and "Configure" button will be available in the right panel.

If you want to contribute with this project, you can do it by using the unstable versions, and report bugs. So, as soon as its features get stable, they will be added to the stable releases. In the "All downloads" section, you can get the latest unstable version.

Thanks to:

* Emanuel Vianna: tested several versions of this plugin on his cutting edge distributions.
* B Clausius: changed the repetition system to rely on the end of stream instead of play time watching.
* André-Nam Berger: updated for the Rhythmbox 2.96 API
* fossfreedom: helped pointing out the paths to the 2.99 API

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Latest version is 0.4

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  • Internationalization on 2010-06-02
    The version 0.0.4 comes with internationalization (i18n) support. However, on...