Registered by Makoto Yamashita

The software SDPA (SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm) is one of the most
 efficient and stable software packages for solving SDPs based on the
 primal-dual interior-point method.
 SDP (SemiDefinite Program) is used for financial engineering, machine
 learning, control theory, sensor network problem, quantum chemistry,
 quantum information, combinatorial optimizaiton, polynomial
 optimization, and so on.
 Further information on SDP and SDPA can be found at

The software SDPA (SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm) is one of the most
 efficient and stable software packages for solving SDPs based on the
 primal-dual interior-point method.
 SDP (SemiDefinite Program) is used for financial engineering, machine
 learning, control theory, sensor network problem, quantum chemistry,
 quantum information, combinatorial optimizaiton, polynomial
 optimization, and so on.
 Further information on SDP and SDPA can be found at

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Makoto Yamashita
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