SikuliX 2.1.0 "SikuliX"

developement after March 2021

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Milestone information

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161 RaiMan
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2 Confirmed, 158 In Progress, 1 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 161 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1861285 #1861285 [2.1.0] Recorder: record does not work properly for SHIFT key 4 Medium RaiMan  6 Confirmed
614456 #614456 [request] option to lock mouse movement+click to prevent user from interrupting 1 Undecided RaiMan  6 Confirmed
528453 #528453 [check] run() seems to only accept [0-9a-zA-Z/-_] and special chars are quoted 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
532519 #532519 [check] Exception FindFailed: last successful match and last screenshot should be accessible 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
585289 #585289 [request] possibility to update sikuli itself in place (no reinstall) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
585342 #585342 [request] IDE shortcut: comment/uncomment a whole block 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
630920 #630920 switchApp() doesn't support double-byte character - use unicode strings 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
670038 #670038 [request] feature to produce match sensitivity values for a group of images 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
682281 #682281 Windows: switchApp has problems with (multiple) minimized application windows 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
701363 #701363 [check] should support command line options on Windows 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
732272 #732272 [request] click action message with image name 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
751069 #751069 [request] IDE: Preview: Ability to scroll target offset screen 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
784967 #784967 X-1.0rc2: find window with accented characters (áéíóú) in the title 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
791705 #791705 [request] Add a Directory search option to the Pattern search (findAny() ???) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
810311 #810311 [request] IDE: Add a compile button in the IDE 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
851230 #851230 [request] IDE: want a "recent files" menu item 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
857194 #857194 [request] IDE: Settings like ObserveScanRate should be reset to default on rerun 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
862673 #862673 [request] Implement Smart Indenting in IDE 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
877200 #877200 [request] IDE: normalize indentation according to preference settings when loading a script 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
878798 #878798 [request] IDE: option to set command line parameters 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
885617 #885617 [request] waitVanish/onVanish should run with a default minimum similarity near 1.0 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
894312 #894312 [check] Windows: Selecting text using SHIFT + HOME does not work --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
914736 #914736 [check] IDE: Syntax highlight KeyModifier does not work when typing numbers only 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
917646 #917646 [request] Multi-Part Pattern: Sikuli + Regex = Sikex (searching simultanouesly for more than one image) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
988742 #988742 [check] odd behavior inside hotkey handler when using mouse/keyboard actions 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
998047 #998047 [request] IDE: Pattern Settings Window needs to be more user friendly. 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1008113 #1008113 [request] Windows: want better support with App.focus() and switchApp()? 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1044209 #1044209 [check] IDE: Text selecting graphic bug until left mouse button is released 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1046272 #1046272 App.close() fails when window title contains scandinavian characters 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1048971 #1048971 [request] Open multiple files from Open dialog 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1076372 #1076372 [request] improvement for run command 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1080761 #1080761 [request] IDE: want to have alternate color for comments 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1090571 #1090571 IDE: Incorrect values names at windows registry 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1091993 #1091993 [request] ignore invisible app windows (App.window()) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1100108 #1100108 [request] Image Library Extension 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1123371 #1123371 [request] allow setting to change darkness level during screenshot capture 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1131669 #1131669 Java classes down the classpath org. ... are blocked by Jython entries 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1168598 #1168598 [request] want doubleRightClick() 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1169081 #1169081 Guide extention : Text position with dual screen 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1169085 #1169085 Guide extension : problems with non-ASCII characters (utf-8 problem Jython <-> Java) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1186503 #1186503 [check] IDE: mouse press to selection region will display wrong line highilighter 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1197722 #1197722 [request] want a middleClick() 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1198108 #1198108 [check] find and findAll don't return the same score 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1201927 #1201927 [check] Extend region methods do not return a complete Region object 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1202368 #1202368 [check] IDE: Renaming an image in Pattern Settings should change all occurrences in the file --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1202394 #1202394 [request] IDE: Search should include image file names 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1203989 #1203989 [request] use a saved image the same way as a screen (virtual screen) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1204634 #1204634 [request] Find failed: more features for debugging 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1208360 #1208360 IDE: Preference dialog/Preferences: should be redesigned 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1216780 #1216780 [check] Java error: Invalid method Code length ... in class file org/python/pycode/... (script too large) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1220300 #1220300 [request] Adding text to the GUI as my test runs 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1220728 #1220728 [request] add a --version option 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1221048 #1221048 [request] get the window title of frontmost/focused window 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1224758 #1224758 [1.0.1] dragDrop() does not accept 3 parameters --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1231878 #1231878 [1.0.1] IDE: results count in Matching Preview missing 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1239108 #1239108 [request] want Region methods to search on multiple screens with one method call 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1250634 #1250634 [request] should support starting directory 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1251163 #1251163 [request] add feature to get pixel color of a captured image 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1252196 #1252196 [check] exception when save the file caused by inconstant indents 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1270177 #1270177 [request] want a feature to select an image in a drop down list 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1272209 #1272209 [request] App.focus() should work with fullscreen apps too 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1272211 #1272211 [request] want an exit handler for running scripts, that is executed when the script terminates for whatever reason 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1273683 #1273683 [request] Add a developing mode: some floating menu, that allows to add function calls and images to a script in background. 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1275728 #1275728 [request] want to select randomly from a list of matches (e.g. findAll()) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1292336 #1292336 [check] suggestions for enhancements and fixes 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1293039 #1293039 [Request] Ability to implement clean-up function on Shift+Alt+C 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1311024 #1311024 [request] want crash notification as popup, when running from command line. 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1311996 #1311996 [request] Scroll to some image 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1312239 #1312239 [request] sys.path should include PYTHONPATH environment variable (or JYTHONPATH if available) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1317773 #1317773 [request] want to put RTF-formated text to the clipboard - solution 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1318820 #1318820 [request] want to use CTRL/CMD + Shift + C as hotkey 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1326358 #1326358 [1.1.0] Mac: images created with Mac snapshot (shift-cmd-4) cannot be used with Sikuli 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1326743 #1326743 [request] want to use Sikuli API directly from C# and .NET (some automatically created wrapper needed) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1326919 #1326919 [1.1.0] IDE: syntax coloring doesn't work for triple quoted strings spanning more than 1 line 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1328817 #1328817 [check] Win 8+: inconsistent click behaviour with fullscreenapp/desktopapp and compared to Win7/8.0 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1335845 #1335845 [request] want some support for "self-scaling" images (e.g. vector images) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1337744 #1337744 [request] Windows: want to get Sikuli running with .NET using IKVM 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1340225 #1340225 [request] want to log output to JTextArea 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1342144 #1342144 [request] want major improvements for the App class features 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1355017 #1355017 [request] want as feature: get the nearest point/region/image to a given point/region/image 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1364278 #1364278 [request] want a feature that loads secret information at runtime from a file and further guards the information against disclosure 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1365543 #1365543 [1.0.1] IDE: want support for some global image repo 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1368351 #1368351 [1.1.0] Windows: fullscreen mode in browser is broken by Sikuli activities 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1370113 #1370113 [check] Mac: Sikuli ignores X11 DISPLAY variable on remote machine run via ssh 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1376425 #1376425 [check] Inconsistant behavior for app.focus and swtchApp depending on method of running script 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1379667 #1379667 [request] want a wrapper for Sikuli scripts, that creates native executables (Windows: .exe, Mac: .app) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1381905 #1381905 [check] a match should remember the search parameters and the actually found image 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1382653 #1382653 [1.1.4] functions like click should should throw exception with wrong target type 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1397515 #1397515 [request] search ops should be available for given images the same way as for region objects. 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1397521 #1397521 [request] Highlight by grayingout the remaining part of screen 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1408937 #1408937 [request] Self learning: Should be possible to recapture a not found image on the fly and retry 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1411151 #1411151 [request] Java: want a helper feature, to dynamically access and use the image and pattern definitions from a SikuliX script 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1411165 #1411165 [request] Launch4J support: sikulixapi.jar should work, when wrapped into an exe 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1412323 #1412323 [research] Sikuli over WebDriver API / JSONWireProtocol? 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1412533 #1412533 [request] IDE should support ImagePath: displaying thumbnails and storing images 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1431694 #1431694 [request] locate any resource (folders/files) in the current runtime environment 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1434434 #1434434 [request] want a workflow recording tool with support for runtime adjustments to the workflow 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1444325 #1444325 [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10: IDE Search feature not available (compatibility problems) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1447982 #1447982 [request] scripting: want to get notified about clipboard changes (like with the observe feature) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1452700 #1452700 [1.1.0] IDE: after script run, sometimes one cannot type again in the IDE --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1457905 #1457905 [1.0.1] click() returns 1 if called with None --- is as it is up to 1.1.x 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1464209 #1464209 [request] IDE: generated actions/commands should also be copied to clipboard, to be available for pasting into other IDE's 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1464277 #1464277 [request] Gui element for IDE to allow quick selection of screenshot folder 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1470424 #1470424 [1.1.0] Windows using VNC to a Mac 10.10 Yosemite: enter special characters -- paste does not seem to work 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1513116 #1513116 [request] Region.findText("String") and Region.text() should reveal the same result 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1523582 #1523582 [request] want an option to append user logs to existing file --- workaround for P(J)ython scripts 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1530310 #1530310 [request] should be able to open a 'duplicate' app 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1565417 #1565417 [request] SikuliX should be able to detect keypresses and mouse usage globally 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1566645 #1566645 [request] guide extension: various improvements 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1686907 #1686907 [request] script run server: feature to suspend/resume scriptrun 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1696105 #1696105 [1.1.4] Region raster functions don't work as expected 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1717175 #1717175 [request] want to know the similarity score in case of find failed 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1730645 #1730645 [2.0.0] Windows 10: Move mouse for click not working since new JRE and Windows update with Java 8 and HiDPI --- workaround Java 9 and scaling 100% OR try with Java 11 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1737392 #1737392 [1.1.4] running scripts from net (http://...) not working as expected 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1739534 #1739534 [check] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App after about 1 minute --- workarounds 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1749262 #1749262 [1.1.4] Java9+: IDE: Warnings illegal reflective access operation --- have to be accepted for now, not a problem 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1768334 #1768334 [1.1.4] find does not work with spatial operator 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1780160 #1780160 [1.1.x] Mac: after run, no cursor exists, no editing can be done --- workarounds 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1788399 #1788399 IDE: add "create html" to the file menu 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1789014 #1789014 [1.1.4] IDE: No Command List --- dropped by intention --- there should be some replacement 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1789569 #1789569 [1.1.4] IDE: load() does not seem to work anymore --- partly fixed 2018-09-19 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1800512 #1800512 [1.1.4] Windows: App using window title only finds one app, should find all using focus(index) --- partly fixed 2018-10-31 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1803991 #1803991 [1.1.4] re-implement image caching and last-seen feature 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1811361 #1811361 [1.1.4] Windows: app focus and close only work if app instance has an associated window 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1813146 #1813146 [1.1.4] Images with transparent parts seem to get inflated match scores 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1815347 #1815347 [1.1.4] JavaDoc Search is broken 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1816298 #1816298 [check] Settings.setShowActions(True) doesn't work 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1817031 #1817031 VNC: some key commands not working in Windows guests 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1817046 #1817046 VNC: synchronization of screen content for wait and capture not working properly 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1817399 #1817399 [check] IDE: Show/Show in Buttons should be revised 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1817939 #1817939 [1.1.4] IDE: Warning: Unpaired quote characters in comments 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1817962 #1817962 [check] OpenCV: ScreenShot BufferedImage to Mat: intermittent error j < nsrcs && src[j].depth() == depth 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1818040 #1818040 [1.1.4] OpenCV assertions should be handled by SikuliX (like image size > region size) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1820820 #1820820 [1.1.4] Windows: multi-monitor environment: SikuliX behaviour depends on the monitor it is started on 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1828169 #1828169 [check] Region.text(): adds new-line at the end of the recognized string 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1829606 #1829606 [check] FindFailed Handler not working as documented 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1830592 #1830592 [1.1.4] End key misoperation in last text line if no empty line follows --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1838741 #1838741 [check] IDE: Mac: Run in slow motion does not work --- function removed temporarily 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1840243 #1840243 [1.1.4] IDE: Double clicking on a sikuli project in the open dialog no longer opens the project --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1843977 #1843977 [1.1.4] request: open ide via command line with specific scripts to open 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1852613 #1852613 [2.0.0] Region.findText() does not work reliably (upper/lowercase, special characters, ...) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1857225 #1857225 [2.0.1] IDE: script load: absolute image filenames produce "not found" errors --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1863949 #1863949 [2.0.2] VNC: capture() returns ScreenImage instead of filename 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1872369 #1872369 [request] want to run SikuliX from a stick or external drive (sandboxed) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
666402 #666402 [request] way to run Sikuli's image match preview 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
667568 #667568 [request] IDE: It could be generated to excutable files(*.exe) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
681672 #681672 [request] IDE: delayed capture for pattern settings 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
681781 #681781 [request] Save original and last known location of image to be used in the next script execution (performance!) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
768940 #768940 [request] need different match scores for different brightness of same (nearly gray scale) image (enabled / disabled) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
780369 #780369 [request] IDE: provide action history with more information 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
803146 #803146 [request] Regular expression support of window titles 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
815471 #815471 [request] Sikuli Autocomplete Editor 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
878317 #878317 [request] Ability to override image default save path 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
992009 #992009 [request] Java: want a preload option for all or an individual library when a Java application launches --- workaround 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1274500 #1274500 [request] IDE: want to dynamically add something to Java classpath at runtime (e.g. JDBC driver) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1503365 #1503365 [request] want to know, whether an image file is on imagepath and get it's absolute filename --- workaround 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1789042 #1789042 [request] option to reload script, after it was edited externally 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1819007 #1819007 [request] Windows: Key: add Key.WIN_APPS (WinAPI: VK_APPS 0x5D) called applications or menu key 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1820822 #1820822 [request] Windows: open a command prompt and allow focus and close 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1829856 #1829856 [request] the same application multiple times at the same time 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1231929 #1231929 [1.0.1] IDE: Matching Preview in multi monitor environment: showing parts of image twice in some configs 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
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