Registered by Daniël H.

SimPL aims to provide a language that is very readable for developers, but even more for the users. SimPL uses GTK+.

SimPL aims to be very simple, like the name says.
The source code is even for not-developers readable and they can see what they are using.
SimPL has to be feature-rich.
For example this can be the code to open a new screen and just what content:
open new window with name Example #this opens a new window
content: <bold>hello world</bold>, welcome to my application!
  button: text="click!" action = open "anotherfile.extension" #maybe this can be easier
  variable: my calculation
my calculation is five plus five #this should even be a feature of simPL

# this is by the way not for real, it's just an example to let you see how easy it should be.

The SimPL can compile different languages (I mean German, Dutch and, of course English) and should translate them with one click (maybe grammar check is a idea).

How to get involved?
You don't have to be a developer: just add a Blueprint: Blueprint with your idea's, or code something usable!
 A community site with a forum is coming soon!

Project information

Daniël H.
Not yet selected

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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