Registered by Jochen Skulj

simplesync is a tool for easy file syncronization. You can use it to syncronize the files of an directory using a central sharing ressource. Different kinds of sharing ressources like the filesystem or FTP server will be supported. You can use sharing via filesystem to syncronize files over shared network volumes or USB volumes.

= Basic idea =

simplesync is a tool for easy file syncronization. You can use it to
syncronize the files of an directory using a central sharing ressource.
Different kinds of sharing ressources like the filesystem or FTP server
are supported. You can use sharing via filesystem to syncronize files
over shared network volumes or USB volumes.

= Installation =

You can download the source from Launchpad and build a Debian package:

(1) bzr branch lp:~joskulj/simplesync/trunk
(2) cd trunk
(3) make builddeb

You should now find a subdirectory builddeb, which contians the created
Debian package. Install this package

(1) cd builddeb
(2) sudo dpkg -i simplesync*.deb

The exact name of the Debian Package depends on the current version
number and the architecture of your machine.

To uninstall the package just execute:

    sudo dpkg -r simplesync

= Configuration =

To use simplesync you have to create a configuration file named .simplesyncrc
in your home directory. This configuration file should look like this.


A configuration file consists of following elements:

- configkey
  A configuration file can contain one or more configuration entries. Each
  entry is identified by a configuration key, which has to be unique within
  the configuration file. A configuration key must be enclosed in square
  brackets and is followed by the needed attributes.
- type
  The type attribute specifies the protocol used for syncronization. Currently
  only syncronization via filesystem (e.g. shared network volumes). Other
  types of syncronization will be supported in the future.
- root
  The root attribute specifies the directory that can be synchronized. The
  directory assigned to this attribute and all directories below can be
  syncronized via simplesync. It's a good idea to specify the user's home
  directory, so all directories of this user can be synchronized.
- server-directory
  The server-directory is the directory where the syncronized files a shared
  and exchange. You should use the mount point of a shared network volume
  or and USB media as a server-directory.

= Usage =

simplesync is called from the command line:

    ssync -c <configentry> [-d <directory>] [-r]

You must use ssync with the parameter -c followed by the configuration key
of the configuration to use.

Optionally you can use the parameters -d and -r. The parameter -d can be used
to specify the directory to syncronize. If you omit this parameter, the current
directory will be syncronized. If you use the parameter -r, all subdirectories
will be syncronized recursively as well.

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Jochen Skulj
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