James Page
Complete OpenStack deployment and operation in a Snap.
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2023.1 series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #2039665: observability plugin - URLs and passwords
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Bug #2039403: User should not specify more than 5 DNS nameservers per subnet
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Bug #2039126: cluster bootstrap fails after 10': juju.errors.JujuAPIError: watcher was stopped
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Bug #2039002: sunbeam requirement check should also check the storage size available
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Bug #2038566: Multi-node sunbeam bootstrap on physical and libvirt machines fail
More contributors Top contributors
- James Page 346 points
- Marian Gasparovic 198 points
- Hemanth Nakkina 120 points
- Liam Young 81 points
- Guillaume Boutry 76 points