Snapcraft 0.4

Milestone information

Sergio Schvezov
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1 Daniel Holbach, 12 Sergio Schvezov, 2 Ted Gould
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
15 Fix Released

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download icon snapcraft_0.4.tar.xz (md5, sig) snapcraft tarball 50
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 50

Release notes 

Snapcraft 0.4 is now available
Hi all,

We are happy to announce this release new version (0.4) of snapcraft:

This release introduces quite a few bug fixes and some nice little things:

    - snappy help [<plugin-name> | <topic>] to guide you through plugin use (with an additional --devel which
      would be useful for potential plugin authors)
    - An initial catkin plugin which approaches us to ROS world.
    - Enhanced wiki usage, parts without types use the wiki with keywords from the part replacing those in the wiki.
    - Plugins all use exceptions instead of boolean values.
    - You can now list the available plugins with 'list-plugins'

This release has a lot of under the hood cleanups which might not be visible to an end user but are well worth it.

To consume the latest snapcraft release on ubuntu, we suggest you install snapcraft package from the snappy tools release ppa:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snappy-dev/tools
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install snapcraft

If you prefer to keep tracking our daily trunk builds, use our tools-proposed ppa:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snappy-dev/tools-proposed
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install snapcraft

If you don't want to consume the examples from the source branch you can also get them from the ppas above:

    sudo apt-get install snapcraft-examples

After installing this you can find them in /usr/share/doc/snapcraft-examples/examples

To get the source for this release, you can branch lp:snapcraft/0.4. The trunk is now available at

A great place to collaborate and discuss features, bugs and ideas on snapcraft is snappy-app-devel mailing list (URL) or directly in the #snappy channel on

To file bugs, please go to

I hope to we see you in the next snapcraft related snappy clinic where we will be going over most of these new additions.

Happy snapcrafting,
 - Sergio and the team


View the full changelog

* Core:
    - Install build packages if package is removed but not purged
      (LP: #1507814)
    - Don't crash on help for unexisting plugin (LP: #1510954)
    - Don't follow links when checking for suid/guid for unpacked
      debian package contents (LP: #1511161)
    - Raise exceptions for plugin errors (LP: #1481122)
    - Exit cleanly with an error when using the source keyword with a local
      file (LP: #1499424)
    - Add version flags to cli (LP: #1501222)
    - Search the wiki for a part if the 'plugin' keyword is missing
      (LP: #1506205)
    - Developer documentation for the plugin base class added (LP: #1507075)
    - Add subcommand to list plugins (LP: #1510160)
    - Add subcommand for help (LP: #1510683)
  * Plugins:
    - autotools: use autoreconf if needed (LP: #1507648)
    - maven: support maven flags (LP: #1502031)
    - catkin: new plugin for building ros projects (LP: #1506201)
  * Packaging:
    - Run tests on package build (LP: #1506096)
    - debian/control: python3-fixtures and python3-testscenarios build deps
      (LP: #1507573)

0 blueprints and 15 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1506096 #1506096 Tests are not run when doing dpkg-buildpackage 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1507573 #1507573 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tests' 3 High Daniel Holbach  10 Fix Released
1507648 #1507648 Autotools doesn't work without 3 High Ted Gould  10 Fix Released
1507814 #1507814 Installing build-packages fails for removed but not purged deps 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1510954 #1510954 Help crashes if specified plugin does not exist 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1511161 #1511161 java-hello-world example fails to snap on vivid: Operation not permitted: '/home/elopio/workspace/canonical/snapcraft/trunk/examples/java-hello-world/parts/local/install/sbin/mount.ntfs' 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1481122 #1481122 plugin methods return True 4 Medium Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1499424 #1499424 snapcraft throws FileExistsError: with very simple Python snap 4 Medium Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1501222 #1501222 Snapcraft should respond to "help", "version", "-v", "--version" 4 Medium Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1502031 #1502031 maven plugin - support for maven commands 4 Medium Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1506201 #1506201 Add support for building ros/catkin based projects 6 Wishlist Ted Gould  10 Fix Released
1506205 #1506205 Support wiki searches when type is missing 6 Wishlist Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1507075 #1507075 Document the plugin base class 6 Wishlist Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1510160 #1510160 list-plugins command 6 Wishlist Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1510683 #1510683 Add help subcommand 6 Wishlist Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
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