Registered by Kaylee Hirsch

**DEACTIVATED** The requirements for this project are too high and the libraries available to gpg are too broken to make this project possible. We may revisit it if the situation with gpg improves.

Starfish Identity Manager is an easy to use tool for managing your online identity and your secure relationships with others.

It's based upon the complex command line gpg tools and aims to focus on the management of identity and the signing of other people's identities to confirm and build up a visible and easy to use web of trust, this web of trust allows you to interact securely with your friends online by signing and even powerfully encrypting your messages and data to each other.

It's built using python and initially gtk and has a newly designed workflow interface for user interaction.

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GNU GPL v3, Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike

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pre-release series is the current focus of development.

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