Storm 0.16
Milestone information
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- 4 James Henstridge, 4 Jamu Kakar, 2 Thomas Herve
- Blueprints:
- No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
- Bugs:
- 1 Invalid, 9 Fix Released
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Release notes
The Storm team is proud to announce Storm 0.16!
The new release includes a number of new features:
* Storm's C extensions are enabled by default
* Comparable expressions have new string comparison methods
* The default object cache size has been changed
* Set expressions use fewer stack frames during compilation
* MySQL reserved words are correctly handled
This release includes official packages for all supported releases
of Ubuntu. They are available in the Storm team's PPA:
You can find the release files at:
You can always get the latest source code from Launchpad:
bzr branch lp:storm
Finally, you can join us in the #storm channel on
and on the Storm mailing list:
Read on for more...
Storm's C extensions are enabled by default
Storm has had C extensions for a long time, but until now they've
been disabled by default. The extensions have a significant
improvement on performance and are now used by default. The
extensions can be disabled by defining a STORM_CEXTENSIONS=0
environment variable. When not available, Storm will automatically
fall back to the equivalent Python versions of optimized code.
Comparable expressions have new string comparison methods
Comparable expressions (such as Column and Alias) provide new
startswith(), endswith() and contains_string() methods. These
methods perform prefix, suffix and substring comparisons using LIKE.
Strings used with these methods are automatically escaped.
The default object cache size has been changed
Storm 0.15 included an announcement about the default cache size
being changed from 100 items to 1000 items. Due to a bug this
information was actually incorrect. This is now fixed and should
result in improved performance. Please report any problems or
concerns about this change to the mailing list.
Set expressions use fewer stack frames during compilation
The set expression constructor flattens the first argument, if it's
part of the same type. The resulting expression tree uses fewer
stack frames during compilation, reducing the chance of hitting
Python's recursion limit.
MySQL reserved words are correctly handled
In addition to the standard SQL92 reserved words, MySQL has it's own
set reserved words. Storm is now aware of them and will perform
escaping correctly, making it easier for users that have table and
column names that conflict with this list.