Tenacity is an easy-to-use, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU+Linux and other operating systems and is developed by a group of volunteers as open-source software.
It is built on top of the widely popular Audacity and is being developed by a wide, diverse group of volunteers.
• Recording from audio devices (real or virtual)
• Export / Import a wide range of audio formats (extensible with FFmpeg)
• High quality including up to 32-bit float audio support
• Plug-ins providing support for VST, LV2, and AU plugins
• Scripting in the built-in scripting language Nyquist, or in Python, Perl and other languages with named pipes
• Editing arbitrary sampling and multi-track timeline
• Accessibility including editing via keyboard, screen reader support and narration support
• Tools useful in the analysis of signals, including audio
This fork eliminates Muse Group’s privacy policy and CLA which may violate the project’s GPL license, as well as their attempts to add telemetry using proprietary, centralized services for data collection. In addition, Tenacity fixes long-standing packaging problems with vendored dependencies (and non-upstreamed patches to them), and features new improvements, both to the backend and the frontend, provided by the communities of the Saucedacity and Audacium projects.
Project information
- Maintainer:
- Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
- Driver:
- Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
- Licence:
- GNU GPL v2
View full history Series and milestones
1.3 series is the current focus of development.