tripleo xena-1

Milestone information

Marios Andreou
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1 Alan Bishop, 2 Alex Schultz, 5 Amol Kahat, 3 Arx Cruz, 1 Bogdan Dobrelya, 1 Brendan Shephard, 5 Damien Ciabrini, 1 Francesco Pantano, 1 Gael Chamoulaud, 12 Harald Jensås, 4 John Fulton, 1 Juan Badia Payno, 1 Juan Larriba, 1 Marios Andreou, 2 Michele Baldessari, 1 Oliver Walsh, 5 Rabi Mishra, 2 Ronelle Landy, 3 Sandeep Yadav, 1 Sorin Sbarnea, 1 Steve Baker, 1 mathieu bultel
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Invalid, 1 Won't Fix, 1 In Progress, 107 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 110 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1928194 #1928194 glance-api.conf is broken after 3 High   3 Invalid
1928689 #1928689 File "/usr/local/bin/container-check", line 63 def populate_container_rpms_list((container)): SyntaxError: invalid syntax 6 Wishlist   4 Won't Fix
1926649 #1926649 master: Gather podman infos fails w/ no log 2 Critical   8 In Progress
1885697 #1885697 Jobs fail in upstream infra when setting iptables rules in host prepare 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1912353 #1912353 generate dump_variables_vars script task fails and breaks logs collection 2 Critical Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1912663 #1912663 Content provider and other tripleo jobs are often timeouting on upstream vexxhost ca-ymq-1 region 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1914043 #1914043 Octavia TrafficOperationsScenarioTest tests fail or timeout 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1914061 #1914061 CI: content provider job train centos7 pass when containers failed to build 2 Critical Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1918489 #1918489 Add support for v2 registries.conf in c8-stream train/ussuri 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1919312 #1919312 Octavia fails in scenario010 - sometimes 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1922148 #1922148 all tripleo centos-8 jobs are in retry limit or skipped, no logs available 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1922283 #1922283 master: Operation not permitted errors in scenario007 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1923091 #1923091 tripleo-validations rpm build errors in the tripleo gate 2 Critical Gael Chamoulaud  10 Fix Released
1923607 #1923607 undercloud (and overcloud nodes) in master became unresponsive after a couple of weeks 2 Critical Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1925372 #1925372 centos-7 content provider failing to install and start docker 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1926647 #1926647 tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode failing for the tempest TestNetworkBasicOps.test_hotplug_nic test due to Device net1 is already in the process of unplug 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1926734 #1926734 Tempest: cirros-0.5.2 image kernel panic 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1926758 #1926758 overcloud deployment is not respecting the "DockerInsecureRegistryAddress" address variable for the container registry. 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1926764 #1926764 Wallaby promotion: OVB jobs are failing to install the undercloud - No such file or directory: '/home/zuul/tripleo-heat-installer-templates/environments/services/undercloud-keepalived.yaml' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1927035 #1927035 /usr/bin/neutron-db-manage", db-sync fails w/ unexpected keyword argument 'sync_backref' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1927171 #1927171 tripleo-ansible 3.0.1.dev248 depends on tripleo-common>=16.0.0 The user requested (constraint) tripleo-common===15.0.0 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1927258 #1927258 The error was: ImportError: cannot import name 'heat' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1927302 #1927302 rdo jobs broken with stat /etc/yum/vars: no such file or directory" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1927736 #1927736 tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-queens fails to install pip for overcloud-prep-containers 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928078 #1928078 cephadm issue hitting ceph-related CI jobs 2 Critical Francesco Pantano  10 Fix Released
1928119 #1928119 weirdo master jobs failing w/ http module 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928145 #1928145 openstack-tox-tht broken due to recent jinja2 release 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928255 #1928255 train/ussuri: overcloud-controller-0 network[10943]: Bringing up interface eth0: Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device lo not available because device is strictly unmanaged). 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928266 #1928266 No such file or directory: '/home/zuul/.venv/share/ansible/validation-playbooks' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928453 #1928453 AttributeError: Namespace has no attribute networks_file 2 Critical Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928651 #1928651 Overcloud stack creation failed: IP address is already allocated to subnet 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1928837 #1928837 Victoria -> Wallaby Undercloud upgrade fails - The template version is invalid: "heat_template_version: wallaby" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928926 #1928926 tripleo-ansible-inventory error's with - Error generating inventory for overcloud: 'ctlplane_cidr' 2 Critical Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928933 #1928933 tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode randomly failing tempest tests with paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928968 #1928968 tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario001-standalone fails with has no parameter named 'libvirt_disk_cachemodes' 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1929384 #1929384 Ovb jobs stack creation is failing with "Resource CREATE failed: WaitConditionTimeout: resources.baremetal_env.resources.bmc.resources.bmc_wait_condition: 0 of 1 received" 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1929402 #1929402 SC10 standalone master jobs failing with Configure octavia on overcloud 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1929461 #1929461 yum repo mirrors are down 5/24/2021 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1929551 #1929551 rdo-tox-molecule job is failing with msg: 'Error pulling image molecule_local/${MOLECULE_IMAGE:-centos:7} - 400 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create? 2 Critical Sorin Sbarnea  10 Fix Released
1929573 #1929573 Molecule job fails because of Jinja version 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1929634 #1929634 containers-multinode victoria, ussuri, train failing in tempest w/ libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: unknown feature amd-sev-es 2 Critical Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1929695 #1929695 tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-validation-libs fails due to unmet dependencies 2 Critical Ronelle Landy  10 Fix Released
1929745 #1929745 Unchecked MSR access error - overcloud deploy "timed out waiting for ping module test 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930187 #1930187 Wallaby scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates failing with EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for orchestration service not found 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930190 #1930190 Featureset039 failing on TASK [ovb-manage : Build nodes.json file to be used as instackenv.json] 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1930316 #1930316 network-data-sample files contains incorrect vlan location 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930327 #1930327 Container build is failing with error: /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovndb-servers.ocf from install of ovn-2021-21.03.0-21.el8s.x86_64 conflicts with file from package ovn2.13-20.12.0-85.el8s.x86_64 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930364 #1930364 Scenario003 failing on master branch with error={"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "standalone", "msg": "Specified network was not found."} 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930575 #1930575 periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-master failing, tripleo upgrade not identifed as an openstack command. 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930749 #1930749 tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_cephadm failing in gate and check.. nothing provides nispor needed by os-net-config-14.2.0-0.20210517154759.352227b.el8.noarch 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930849 #1930849 OVB CI - Virtual baremetals boot fail to bring up network - Ordering cycle found, skipping Network Manager 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931090 #1931090 Scenario001 master failing on standalone deploy with FATAL | Gather podman infos | standalone | error={"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false} 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931207 #1931207 Wallaby -> Master Standalone upgrade job failing with Error: package python3-tripleoclient-16.2.1-0.20210603174615.c5b1e0c.el8.noarch requires openstack-heat-monolith >= 16.0.0 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931228 #1931228 Featureset039 failing after java-1.8.0-openjdk-* removed from mirror, Can not load RPM file: java-1.8.0-openjdk- 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931238 #1931238 Tripleo jobs are failing while installing python requirements 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931385 #1931385 Jobs in tripleo gate queue are stuck even after run completes 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931417 #1931417 Master jobs are failing with ERROR oslo_service.service ironic.common.exception.DriverNotFoundInEntrypoint: Could not find the following items in the 'ironic.hardware.interfaces.deploy' entrypoint: iscsi. 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1931428 #1931428 Sc10 / sc10-kvm / Sc010-ovn-provider failing with "(pymysql.err.ProgrammingError) (1146, \"Table 'octavia.quotas' doesn't exist\" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931444 #1931444 Featureset39 failing during freeipa install, DNS server <>: query '. SOA': The DNS operation timed out after 10.00065803527832 seconds 2 Critical Ronelle Landy  10 Fix Released
1931545 #1931545 periodic featureset 002 failing tempest "Non subunit content" 2 Critical Marios Andreou  10 Fix Released
1931821 #1931821 all master jobs RED, dlrnapi down after partial promotion 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1932261 #1932261 centos-8 multinode-oooq-container-updates fails during converge "Failed containers: keystone_bootstrap" 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1932527 #1932527 [xena][barbican][scenario002] Fails with ERROR: 'Inspector' object has no attribute 'has_table' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1883687 #1883687 test_traffic_ops octavia tempest tests are failing with Connection to the via SSH timed out. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1904043 #1904043 podman does not support {{ index .Id }} format so containers are restarted needlessly 3 High   10 Fix Released
1904894 #1904894 Ansible multi nic templates broke the nicX relation to network order in network_data.yaml 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1912480 #1912480 Scenario010 octavia job times out when executing tempest 3 High Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1912764 #1912764 Option to remove the self-installed ReaR cron task 3 High Juan Larriba  10 Fix Released
1913701 #1913701 master spine leaf oc deploy fails wih inet_pton() argument 2 must be str, not None 3 High   10 Fix Released
1918359 #1918359 Predictable baremetal node placement using 'profile' does not work 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1919506 #1919506 fs039 tls scenario broken: nova vnc haproxy config errors out: The service_network for this service is undefined 3 High Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1921470 #1921470 error: can't find Rust compiler 3 High   10 Fix Released
1926160 #1926160 Content-provider jobs not honoring build-containers exclude_containers list. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1927314 #1927314 standalone_hostname is undefined 3 High Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1927556 #1927556 standalone fails on "create ovn mac adress for Standalone role nodes" 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1927991 #1927991 rdo-molecule job fails in rdo config repo 3 High Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1928469 #1928469 tripleo-ansible-inventory - fail generating from neutron when OVN MAC addr net/ports are present 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928487 #1928487 Migration to nova-less fails - deployed node 7c7faadb-6ca0-407a-8473-edae5af9f885 has a matching name 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928711 #1928711 network-v2 - port ideompotency broken when migration from heat managed ports 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928717 #1928717 ceph-admin ssh private key distribution could be more limited 3 High John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1928869 #1928869 featureset001 - mysql fails to start - WSREP: failed to open gcomm backend connection: 131: No address to connect (FATAL) 3 High   10 Fix Released
1929470 #1929470 network_cidrs is not set when ManageNetworks is false and legacy network environment is used 3 High Oliver Walsh  10 Fix Released
1929555 #1929555 Adopting heat server resrouce baremetal instances fails 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1929835 #1929835 THT J2 template error - 'dict object' has no attribute 'ip_subnet' 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1929927 #1929927 Write containers registries.conf - undefined variable: container_registry_insecure_registries 3 High   10 Fix Released
1930620 #1930620 Incorrect permissions for cinder's cephx keyrings associated with CephExternalMultiConfig clusters 3 High Alan Bishop  10 Fix Released
1930723 #1930723 RDO third party tripleo check jobs against openstack-virtual-baremetal project for stable branches failing because of wrong Upper Constraint url. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1930936 #1930936 managed=false nodes fail network-v2 port provisioning 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1931046 #1931046 default_route_network should default to 'ctlplane' if not specified 3 High   10 Fix Released
1931161 #1931161 Do not sort IronicEnabled* interface parameter entries 3 High Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1931495 #1931495 overcloud nodes network manager hangs because ifcfg-eth0 is defined 3 High Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1931502 #1931502 ovndb_server is not restarted as expected during minor update 3 High Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1931986 #1931986 No commands found in the "openstack.tripleoclient.v2" namespace using the "tripleo deploy" 3 High   10 Fix Released
1881452 #1881452 Scale down unreachable host fails 4 Medium Brendan Shephard  10 Fix Released
1911792 #1911792 In multi-stack deployments, host entries are deployed for VIPs 4 Medium Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1913077 #1913077 Destination directory /home/zuul/workspace/logs does not exist 4 Medium Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1914084 #1914084 tripleo-ansible-inventory Error creating static inventory 'Undercloud' 4 Medium mathieu bultel  10 Fix Released
1917938 #1917938 Role name openstack-operations does not match `^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+$` pattern 4 Medium Juan Badia Payno  10 Fix Released
1920954 #1920954 derive paramters hci deploy fails with cephadm: No devices defined in CephAnsibleDisksConfig 4 Medium John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1926627 #1926627 Derived paramters for one HCI role works, but not for more than one HCI role 4 Medium John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1928501 #1928501 install undercloud - re-run fails undercloud-passwords.conf file is missing 4 Medium Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1928693 #1928693 Clustercheck dependency "xinetd" to be removed from next centos base 4 Medium Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1929881 #1929881 memcached healthcheck doesn't work when config has multiple endpoints or tls 4 Medium Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1930399 #1930399 clustercheck healthcheck is not working with socat 4 Medium Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1930906 #1930906 [wallaby][multinode][heat-ephemeral] Randomly Failing with Unexpected error occurred serving API: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1931674 #1931674 overcloud node provide fails with TypeError 4 Medium Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1926762 #1926762 cli-* playbooks should not be run directly (derived params) 5 Low John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1897592 #1897592 [RFE] Unable to dynamically add endpoints into EndpointMap 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
1927001 #1927001 cirros retry: TypeError: 'Retrying' object is not iterable 1 Undecided Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1931500 #1931500 invalid call to pcs to restart HA resource during minor update 1 Undecided Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
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