tripleo xena-2

Milestone information

Marios Andreou
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1 Alan Bishop, 2 Alex Schultz, 1 Damien Ciabrini, 2 Emilien Macchi, 8 Harald Jensås, 1 James Slagle, 3 Jiri Podivin, 1 John Fulton, 3 Marios Andreou, 1 Martin Schuppert, 1 Michele Baldessari, 1 Sam Wan, 1 Sandeep Yadav, 1 Slawek Kaplonski, 2 Steve Baker, 1 Takashi Kajinami, 1 mathieu bultel, 4 yatin
1 Good progress
1 Invalid, 2 Fix Committed, 52 Fix Released

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1 blueprint and 55 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Deploy whole disk images by default Deploy whole disk images by default 1 Undefined Steve Baker  7 Good progress
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1934097 #1934097 Error running container image prepare: Not found image 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1928491 #1928491 Delete overcloud fails - Unsupported parameters for (tripleo_ovn_mac_addresses) module: stack 3 High Harald Jensås  9 Fix Committed
1893912 #1893912 Switch tripleo to use the ironic "direct" deploy interface - the "iscsi" interface is being deprecated and removed 4 Medium Harald Jensås  9 Fix Committed
1921679 #1921679 openstack: 'undercloud install' is not an openstack command. See 'openstack --help'. 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1928887 #1928887 undercloud upgrade jobs missing from c8 branches like master 2 Critical Marios Andreou  10 Fix Released
1929420 #1929420 openstack/tripleo-validations openstack-tox-py36 is failing with "ERROR: Cannot install jinja2<3 and >=2.8.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies."" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1930151 #1930151 Train -> Ussuri undercloud upgrade failing with on pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' ([Errno 113] No route to host)") 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1930273 #1930273 Third party rdo jobs are intermittently failing with ERROR: Failed to attach network adapter device to <UUID> (HTTP 500) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931226 #1931226 RDO third party rdo jobs failing with NODE_FAILURE on Vexx cloud 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1931995 #1931995 master & wallaby overcloud periodic jobs pulling heat-api and heat-engine current-tripleo instead of tripleo-ci-testing 2 Critical James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1932019 #1932019 tripleo-quickstart fails on "Get undercloud vm ip address" 2 Critical yatin  10 Fix Released
1933193 #1933193 tripleo-tox-molecule (tripleo-ci) failing with package conflicts "Transaction test error" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1933448 #1933448 periodic jobs delorean reporting broken when using featureset_override['dlrn_hash_tag'] 2 Critical Marios Andreou  10 Fix Released
1933504 #1933504 periodic FS 1 wallaby fails node provision "Timeout reached while waiting for callback" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1933639 #1933639 periodic master FS 1 fails during tests - tempest.api.object_storage 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1934658 #1934658 undercloud-upgrade fails upgrade_tasks step3 'migrate existing introspection data' -> 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1935072 #1935072 tripleo-repos refactor can not install via rpm 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1935691 #1935691 mysql_wait_bundle timing out in upgrade jobs 2 Critical yatin  10 Fix Released
1935961 #1935961 undercloud-upgrade-wallaby fails (post-upgrade) deploy tasks - missing swift container 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1936218 #1936218 comp-pipeline-network: Selected log directory '/home/zuul/validations' does not exist. Attempting to create it, No validation has been run 2 Critical Jiri Podivin  10 Fix Released
1936465 #1936465 TypeError: The 'validation_id' argument should be a List 2 Critical Jiri Podivin  10 Fix Released
1904482 #1904482 TLS-everywhere Spine-and-Leaf filters valid service due to role_networks <-> ServiceNetMap Missmatch 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1904808 #1904808 environments/net-multiple-nics.yaml - ansible template Fails with 'NoneType' is not iterable 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1904809 #1904809 environments/net-multiple-nics.yaml - multiple_nics/multiple_nics_dvr.j2 - FAILS: no attribute 'External' 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1912377 #1912377 tripleo-validation --static-inventory parameter not working. 3 High mathieu bultel  10 Fix Released
1927307 #1927307 Standalone deploy generating large size tar archive in logs 3 High   10 Fix Released
1928103 #1928103 [master] Unable to deploy OC with only one controller 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1929419 #1929419 RFE ovb: use config-drive vs. metadata service 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1931223 #1931223 wallaby python3-tripleoclient is later version than current-tripleo-dev python3-tripleoclient 3 High   10 Fix Released
1932079 #1932079 baremtal deploy generated env does not work for custom --templates 3 High   10 Fix Released
1933228 #1933228 network_deployment_actions is not a list 3 High   10 Fix Released
1933309 #1933309 failing with No config file exists at: /home/zuul/src/ 3 High Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1933850 #1933850 Deployment with PreNetworkConfig is failing because of wrong hiera.yaml content - The Lookup Configuration at '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml' has wrong type, unrecognized key 'changed' 3 High Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1934010 #1934010 tripleoclient - constants.OVERCLOUD_NETWORKS_FILE not used when jinja2 rendering templates 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1934622 #1934622 periodic master standalone-full-tempest-api fails during tests- neutron_tempest_plugin.api.test_subnets.SubnetServiceTypeTestJSON 3 High Slawek Kaplonski  10 Fix Released
1935948 #1935948 TASK [overcloud-prep-images : Introspect overcloud nodes - legacy] failing on c8 train 3 High Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1935974 #1935974 comp-pipeline-network: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os_resource_classes' 3 High   10 Fix Released
1936287 #1936287 Property error: Error validating value 'overcloud-full': No images matching {'name': 'overcloud-full'} 3 High   10 Fix Released
1903634 #1903634 [powerflex/vxflexos] resource name typos in environments templates 4 Medium Sam Wan  10 Fix Released
1917719 #1917719 vnc console fail when changing NovaLibvirtNetwork to e.g. ctlplane 4 Medium Martin Schuppert  10 Fix Released
1925260 #1925260 tripleo-transfer ansible module cannot customize some transfer flags 4 Medium Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1925770 #1925770 [quickstart][ipa][libvirt] freeipa-setup : Deploy FreeIPA] Task fails as wrong forwarder is passed 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1932181 #1932181 iscsid.conf for nova, cinder, glance etc. should match whats in the isscid container 4 Medium Alan Bishop  10 Fix Released
1933237 #1933237 The 'tripleoclient.export.export_passwords' function always exports all generated passwords. 4 Medium Jiri Podivin  10 Fix Released
1933241 #1933241 heat spewing many deprecation warnings during undercloud install 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1933974 #1933974 'Install atop from RDO build-deps repo when configured so (CentOS >= 8)' fails with No package atop available 4 Medium yatin  10 Fix Released
1934017 #1934017 Tuned profiles are missing 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1934722 #1934722 [wallaby][standalone][scenario001][tagged builds] clustercheck fails with socat[8] E unknown device/address 4 Medium yatin  10 Fix Released
1935774 #1935774 tripleo_cephadm/tasks/export: Save tripleo_ceph_client_vars file JSONDecodeError 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1935841 #1935841 DCN/cephadm: Can't run container nova_libvirt_init_secret 4 Medium John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1906489 #1906489 [Queens] containers-tmpwatch cron job removes /var/log/containers/swift 5 Low Takashi Kajinami  10 Fix Released
1926024 #1926024 haproxy validation runs on all nodes 5 Low Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1930811 #1930811 After successfull deploy we are noticing message: "Could not clean up: 'ClientManager' object has no attribute 'sdk_connection'" 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1927101 #1927101 master : FS01 failing with tempest test "test_update_attached_volume_with_nonexistent_volume_in_body" 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1930416 #1930416 master undercloud upgrade fails "not an openstack command" 1 Undecided Marios Andreou  10 Fix Released
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