gstreamer0.10 package in Ubuntu RTM

gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10: Description: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library
gstreamer-tools: Tools for use with GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-doc: GStreamer core documentation and manuals
gstreamer0.10-tools: Tools for use with GStreamer
libgstreamer0.10-0: Core GStreamer libraries and elements
libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg: Core GStreamer libraries and elements
libgstreamer0.10-dev: GStreamer core development files

This package has 0 new bugs

Package information

Ubuntu Developers
Low Urgency
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Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections


GStreamer is an open source multimedia framework that supports streaming sound and video in multiple codecs.

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes
Translations: no

A newer version of gstreamer0.10 is available for packaging: GStreamer unknown

14.09 (active development)
0.10.36-1.2ubuntu3 release (main)

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