Registered by Patrick M

It seems that Video/multimedia for Linux is lagging behind. There are several application programs for this and that, but not a comprehensive suite of tools. For example: many users have to use two apps to burn downloaded videos to DVD or
blu-ray disc. Some apps, like Brasero have serious bugs, and no knowlege of how to fix.

The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive, easy to use, video and multimedia app that would allow a user to:
1. rip video from storage emdia such as DVD and Blu-ray
2. Capture video from external ntsc, pal, or HD sources
3. edit video from various formats
4. convert from one of the various and sundry formats to another
5. burn DVDs and Blu-ray.
6 output video files to remote servers, and to external recording devices.

In other words a project that would, among other things combine the functionality if LiVES, DeeVeeDee, and K3b in one package.

I started a team for this " Linux video consortium", or" livid consort" for short, on launchpad

Please sign up contribute and collaborate if you can
The package should be configured to run "out of the box in Ubuntu, and be easily recompiled for other distros

Project information

Patrick M
Not yet selected
Open Software Licence v 3.0

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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