webapps-sprint sprint-25

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
6 Alberto Mardegan, 5 Alexandre Abreu, 3 David Barth, 1 Justin McPherson
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 New, 1 Invalid, 1 Confirmed, 7 Triaged, 5 In Progress, 1 Fix Committed

0 blueprints and 17 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1604446 #1604446 getcurrentPosition in oxide does not cause a wake up of the GPS 1 Undecided Alberto Mardegan  0 New
1604695 #1604695 click and drag item on webpage results in new window on unity8-desktop session 1 Undecided   0 New
1424711 #1424711 selecting a fb account to share a photo doesn't work 1 Undecided Alexandre Abreu  3 Invalid
1565697 #1565697 Cannot log in any Google+ App 3 High David Barth  6 Confirmed
1512375 #1512375 Add API documentation for Online Accounts v2 3 High Alberto Mardegan  7 Triaged
1535820 #1535820 Can't always correctly rotate the camera 3 High David Barth  7 Triaged
1548738 #1548738 Streaming doesn’t stop when receiving a call 3 High Justin McPherson  7 Triaged
1566373 #1566373 GMail webapp keyboard hide and seek 3 High   7 Triaged
1588836 #1588836 Add API documentation for Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.Client 3 High Alberto Mardegan  7 Triaged
1596843 #1596843 single-account key is not supported by the new account policy 4 Medium Alberto Mardegan  7 Triaged
1595620 #1595620 Mysterious "Enter your credentials" dialog appeared out of nowhere 1 Undecided Alberto Mardegan  7 Triaged
1575780 #1575780 Ebay webapp doesn't display on frieza just displays an error 3 High Alexandre Abreu  8 In Progress
1376896 #1376896 Accelerometer events don't work 4 Medium Alexandre Abreu  8 In Progress
1599690 #1599690 [webapp-container] Overlay created as Popups should not have an "open in the webrowser" button 4 Medium Alexandre Abreu  8 In Progress
1510480 #1510480 Amazon app only links with amazon.co.uk 1 Undecided Alexandre Abreu  8 In Progress
1571587 #1571587 Add icon for owncloud 1 Undecided Alberto Mardegan  8 In Progress
1260103 #1260103 oxide should use an app-specific path for shared memory files 4 Medium David Barth  9 Fix Committed
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