Registered by John Wells

A package that tightly integrates phpBB and WordPress

WP-United is a popular integration package that glues together phpBB3, the leading open source bulletin board, and WordPress, the popular blogging tool.

WP-United glues together phpBB forums and WordPress blogs.

From simple single sign-on, to fully automatic template integrations, WP-United can help you create a fully-featured, compelling community site.

WP-United is modular, and features the following key components:
- Automatic login/registration integration: With registrations provided by WordPress and/or phPBB and/or a third-party provider.
- Automatic template integration: The phpBB forum can appear inside your WordPress template, or vice versa, completely automatically. No CSS or HTML knowledge is required as templates are inspected and modified on the fly.
- Automatic behaviour integration: Use phpBB features in WordPress and vice-versa.

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John Wells
John Wells

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PHP, JavaScript

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