WSO2 Web Services Framework for C (WSO2 WSF/C) is a standards compliant, enterprise grade, open source, C library for providing and consuming Web services in C.
WSO2 Web Services Framework/C (WSO2 WSF/C) is a standards compliant, enterprise grade, open source, C library for providing and consuming Web services in C. WSO2 WSF/C is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the C library with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations, including MTOM, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-eventing. It provides the best interoperability- all the Web services specification implementations are tested for interoperability with Microsoft .NET, WSO2 WSAS and other J2EE implementations.
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trunk series is the current focus of development.