Yade 0.20-0

Polished and stable version with all attached bugs/blueprints done.

Milestone information

Václav Šmilauer
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
3 Anton Gladky, 12 Václav Šmilauer
5 Implemented
20 Fix Released

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download icon yade-0.20-2.tar.bz2 (md5) Sources for 0.20-2 (tested on hardy, jaunty, karmic; lenny, squeeze) 1,114
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,114

Release notes 

Stabilized release. (karmic compat update)

For precompiled ubuntu packages, go to yade-users PPA at https://launchpad.net/~yade-users/+archive/ppa


View the full changelog

From the NEWS file
 * overall:
  - fix many crashers, including synchronization with openGL, GUI and python
  - generate documentation for both python and c++ classes/functions automatically (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Reference_documentation)
  - move away from SVN repository at berlios.de to bzr at http://www.launchpad.net/yade; bug tracking and other launchpad features are being used; mailing lists migrated to launchpad

 * functionality enhancements (apart from performance-oriented changes):
  - Facets (arbitrary triangulation elements) interacting with spheres, allowing to triangulate any surface
  - support for GTS-compatible triangulated surfaces both as predicates and facet-triangulated simulation elements
  - non-incremental sphere-sphere and sphere-facet contact geometry classes (Dem3DofGeom)
  - ConstitutiveLawDispatcher, for having multiple constitutive laws operating on different interactions
  - schedule to run multiple jobs at time, with different parameters (yade-multi, http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/ScriptParametricStudy)
  - added PhysicalParameters::blockedDOFs
  - periodic boundary conditions
  - interaction logic cleaned up
  - sphere packing generators (orthogonal, hexagonal, loose random, triaxially compacted; periodic coming soon)
  - geometry predicates to clip packing, including boolean operations on predicates
  - infrastructure for regression tests

 * performance:
  - consistent openMP support throughout the code (InteractionDispatchers, NewtonsDampedLaw, BexContainer) (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Performance_Tuning#openMP)
  - InsertionSortCollider (PersistentSAPCollide removed) (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Colliders_performace)
  - InteractionDispatchers that reduce number of loops over interactions to one (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Performance_Tuning#InteractionDispatchers)
  - new fast container for interactions (InteractionVecMap) (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Performance_Tuning#Containers)
  - caching dispatchers, avoiding repetitive multivirtual call resolution (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Performance_Tuning#Dispatcher_cache)
  - runtime profiling information (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Speed_profiling_using_TimingInfo_and_TimingDeltas_classes)
  - avoid running collision detection at every step (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Insertion_Sort_Collider_Stride)
  - vector and quaternion classes are wrapped in python automatically (faster, avoids hand-written wrappers)
  - removed many python proxy classes, resulting in big speedup of python (e.g. 40 × for some operations)

 * building:
  - yade can be optionally with one single plugin containing all packages. Speeds up full compilation considerably and reduces binary size several times.
  - files in pkg/* are picked up automatically by the build system, including linking flags
  - do not install headers, only plugins
  - fix debian-package builds and document the procedure (http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/DebianPackages), special package for docs
  - fix all (or most) compile-time warnings
  - create new top-level py/ directory for python

 * python:
  - use natural syntax for class instance construction with attributes
  - run telnet server to make yade accessible while running (from localhost only)
  - save any python variables within the XML file, which will be resurrected next time (utils.saveVars, utils.loadVars)
  - support saving simulation to memory temporarily
  - functions from creating video from simulation (via snapshots, either during simulation or in the player)

 * Documentation:
  - Structurized content added http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Structurized_content
  - FAQ start to implement http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ

5 blueprints and 20 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Allow building with plugins merged together or in a monotlihic way as an option Allow building with plugins merged together or in a monotlihic way as an option 1 Undefined Václav Šmilauer  11 Implemented
Running collider only once in few iterations, with enlarged AABB's Running collider only once in few iterations, with enlarged AABB's 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Framework for regression tests to assure simulation corectness Framework for regression tests to assure simulation corectness 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Move from svn to bzr Move from svn to bzr 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
determine best scheduling strategy for openMP determine best scheduling strategy for openMP 1 Undefined Václav Šmilauer  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
415265 #415265 Script works only with linkStrategy=monolithic option (dispatching bug) 2 Critical Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
399810 #399810 SimulationController might crash when loading .xml 3 High   10 Fix Released
401029 #401029 _packPredicates.so import fails for packaged build (PREFIX!=runtimePREFIX) 3 High Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
406343 #406343 build order (random) problem with QtGenerated* files 3 High   10 Fix Released
398158 #398158 NewtonsDampedLaw is a DeusExMachina, should be StandAloneEngine 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
398174 #398174 install examples & scripts to debian package 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
398255 #398255 MetaEngines in python should be able to check their EngineUnits (not crash) 4 Medium Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
399360 #399360 plot.plots should warn about bad types (tuple/string) 4 Medium Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
398093 #398093 gts.surface() should provide minimum oriented bounding box 5 Low Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
416906 #416906 some scripts possibly not compatible with python 2.5 5 Low   10 Fix Released
398086 #398086 NewtonsDampedLaw should be parallelized 6 Wishlist Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
400987 #400987 Proxy python classes should be removed 6 Wishlist Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
90055 #90055 remove unused elements 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
397996 #397996 Initial contact search in InsertionSortCollide could be faster 1 Undecided Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
398176 #398176 mess in examples, scripts, doc dirs 1 Undecided Anton Gladky  10 Fix Released
398578 #398578 Expanded abstract 1 Undecided Anton Gladky  10 Fix Released
398990 #398990 squash most compile-time warnings 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
400126 #400126 Structurized content page on Wiki 1 Undecided Anton Gladky  10 Fix Released
408443 #408443 classes deriving just from Serializable should also have proxy python ctors 1 Undecided Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
411572 #411572 SimulationController don't works 1 Undecided Václav Šmilauer  10 Fix Released
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