Zeitgeist Framework 0.4.0 "Wumbo"

Milestone information

Zeitgeist Framework
Code name:
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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1 Jamal Fanaian, 4 Markus Korn, 3 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen, 1 Seif Lotfy
1 Implemented
1 Invalid, 9 Fix Released

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Release notes 

2010-06-10: Zeitgeist 0.4.0


 - Compile the shared-desktop-ontolgies (aka Nepomuk (aka OSCAF)) into Python
   code at build time, and use them for out subject classification system
 - You can now negate the fields uri, interpretation, manifestation, origin,
   and mimetype, in event templates by prepending the field value with an
   exclamation mark '!'.
 - You can truncate (aka wildcard) the subject fields uri, origin, and mimetype
   in event templates by appending an asterisk '*' to the string.
 - Event templates now match on all child types of the specified interpretations
   and manifestations. Ie. Interpretation.IMAGE also matches RASTER_IMAGE and
 - The core database schema is now versioned, meaning that we can migrate data
   if the DB ever needs to change in layout. It also brings slightly faster
   startup of the daemon when we detect that the schema version is what we
 - Two new environment variables ZEITGEIST_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS and
   ZEITGEIST_EXTRA_EXTENSIONS controlling which extensions are loaded
 - Man pages updated with --no-datahub and environment variables to control
   the data paths and loaded extensions
 - Auto upgrades of schemas
 - Some Nepomuk type URIs where wrong and will be fixed automatically in the
   schema upgrade of the DB
 - Fix DeleteEvents to work with arbitrarily huge amounts of IDs.
 - Set event.id before passing events to the extension hooks so extensions
   can make use of the event ids

Python API:

 - Removed {Interpretation,Manifestation}.UNKNOWN. If you really really (like
   really!) can not come up with a good interpretation or manifestation
   don't log it - or insert an empty string in stead
 - What was subject's Manifestation.WEB_HISTORY is now represented by a
   combination of Interpretation.WEBSITE and Manifestation.REMOTE_DATA_OBJECT
 - Manifestation.FILE has been renamed to Manifestation.FILE_DATA_OBJECT
 - Event interpretations OPEN_EVENT and VISIT_EVENT has been coalseced into
   a new interpretation type called ACCESS_EVENT
 - Event interpretation SAVE_EVENT has been coalesced into MODIFY_EVENT
 - The following interpretations has been removed because we need a suitable
   alternative defined in Nepomuk/OSCAF scope (Mikkel is on it):
 - Interpretation.MUSIC is now AUDIO
 - We are missing Interpretation.TAG (known bug)
 - The following event interpretations has been removed because they had
   unclear meanings or limited general usefulnes:
 - TimeRange sprouted a few new useful methods

 - Fixes and code enhancements and lots of new features API wise
 - Manpage updates.
 - Translation updates.


View the full changelog

2010-06-11 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/remote.py:
 * configure.ac:

 Release Zeitgeist 0.4.0

2010-06-10 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * doc/zeitgeist/source/tutorial_datamodel_symbols.rst:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/remote.py:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/index.rst:

 Doc updates. Remove test-datamodel-symbols.rst from the docs as it's broken

2010-06-10 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * NEWS:

 Update NEWS in prep for 0.4.0

2010-06-09 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Add (and test) method TimeRange.is_always() which can be used as an optimization here and there to cut out parts of a query that'll always match

2010-06-09 Markus Korn <email address hidden>


 added additional information to the 'Release'-section of the HACKING document

2010-06-09 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Add missing 'import sqlite3' to core_0_1.py upgrader

2010-06-08 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Check for sqlite3.IntegrityErrors in the core_0_1 upgrade. These may occur in case some of the new interpretations or manifestations are already there... We have to fail silently here because it would be a mess to untangle in the upgrade

2010-06-08 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/Makefile.am:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/Makefile.am:
 * configure.ac:

 Install the upgrade module core_0_1.py in 'make install'

2010-06-08 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/eo.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-06-07 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/eo.po:
 * po/bg.po:
 * po/ca.po:
 * po/cs.po:
 * po/da.po:
 * po/de.po:
 * po/el.po:
 * po/en_CA.po:
 * po/en_GB.po:
 * po/es.po:
 * po/fi.po:
 * po/fr.po:
 * po/gl.po:
 * po/hu.po:
 * po/id.po:
 * po/it.po:
 * po/ja.po:
 * po/lt.po:
 * po/mk.po:
 * po/nb.po:
 * po/nl.po:
 * po/nn.po:
 * po/oc.po:
 * po/pl.po:
 * po/pt.po:
 * po/pt_BR.po:
 * po/ro.po:
 * po/ru.po:
 * po/sv.po:
 * po/te.po:
 * po/tr.po:
 * po/uk.po:
 * po/ur.po:
 * po/zh_CN.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-31 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>


 Merge Seif's branch lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/cleanup updating AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS, and MAINTAINERS to reflect reality

2010-05-31 Seif Lotfy <seif@Gary>



2010-05-31 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:

 Merge tehk's branch lp:~email-tehk/zeitgeist/recent-fix fixing an obsolete ref to Interpretation.MUSIC (should be AUDIO) in zeitgeist-datahub's recent.py DP

2010-05-28 tehk <tehk@tehk-desktop>

 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:

 Fixed the recent manager

2010-05-30 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Fix bug #587545: "core_0_1 upgrade script's table columns are reversed"

2010-05-29 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/lt.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-28 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Bugfix: Upgrades failed on initialized DB

 Bugfix: Don't run upgrade hooks if the DB is a :memory: one

2010-05-28 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/bg.po:
 * po/ca.po:
 * po/cs.po:
 * po/da.po:
 * po/de.po:
 * po/el.po:
 * po/en_CA.po:
 * po/en_GB.po:
 * po/es.po:
 * po/fi.po:
 * po/fr.po:
 * po/gl.po:
 * po/hu.po:
 * po/id.po:
 * po/it.po:
 * po/ja.po:
 * po/lt.po:
 * po/mk.po:
 * po/nb.po:
 * po/nl.po:
 * po/nn.po:
 * po/oc.po:
 * po/pl.po:
 * po/pt.po:
 * po/pt_BR.po:
 * po/ro.po:
 * po/ru.po:
 * po/sv.po:
 * po/te.po:
 * po/tr.po:
 * po/uk.po:
 * po/ur.po:
 * po/zh_CN.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Merge lp:~kamstrup/zeitgeist/schema_versions

 Versioning of the core DB schema (and also adds the possibility to version other schema if we ever have that).

 On startup we check if the schema version for the 'core' schema is what we expect and if that is case we assume the schema is good and no further setup is needed.

 If the schema version is not what we want we look for a module called _zeitgeist.engine.upgrades.core_$oldversion_$newversion and execute its run() method if it's there.
 In our case we are talking upgrading from core schema 0 to 1, so that would be _zeitgeist.engine.upgrades.core_0_1.py.

 Note that I did it this way in order to minimize the number of .py files we need to stat and/or parse at startup. If no upgrades are necessary, none of the upgrade .py files are parsed let alone read from disk.

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 exit if the upgrade fails... running on a undefined schema version is very dangerous

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Fix hard coded 'core' schema in a SQL statement for the upgrade logic

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * po/lt.po:
 * po/ur.po:
 * test/README.tests:
 * _zeitgeist/lrucache.py:
 * test/lrucache-test.py:
 * _zeitgeist/Makefile.am:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:
 * po/gl.po:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * test/run-all-tests.py:
 * test/scalability-test.py:
 * test/testutils.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst.NEEDS_FIXING:
 * test/test-sql.py:
 * test/sql-test.py:

 Merge with trunk

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Describe the fixmes is core_0_1.py upgrade

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Upgrades from 0.3.3 to 0.3.4 seems to be working now

2010-05-27 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Bugfixes for schema upgrades

2010-05-20 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:

 Map all pre 0.3.3 type URIs to post 0.3.4 URIs in upgrades/core_0_1.py

2010-05-20 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Add a note as to why we don't immediately return after and upgrade, but falls though to the normal setup code.

2010-05-14 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/core_0_1.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Implement dynamic upgrade hooks. Upgrade hooks live in _zeitgeist/engine/upgrades/$schema_name_$old_version_$new_version.

 Add an upgrade hook core_0_1.py which'll upgrade the DB from ZG 0.3.3 to 0.3.4. Currently it just errs out.

2010-05-14 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Define the schema name "core" in _zeitgeist.engine.constants

2010-05-14 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Move def of core schema version to _zeitgeist.engine.constants

2010-05-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 Implement DB schema versioning. This cuts DB loading time from ~12ms to 2ms on my dual core SSD laptop. Probably even more enhancements on netbooks

 TODO: Stub code for upgrading DBs and detecting unversionedd DBs (everything pre 0.3.4)

2010-05-26 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:

 added documentation for the ZEITGEIIST_{DEFAULT,EXTRA}_EXTENSIONS env.
 variables to the zeitgeist-daemon manpage (LP: #585779)

2010-05-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:

 Added two new environment variables `ZEITGEIST_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONs` and
 `ZEITGEIST_EXTRA_EXTENSIONS` to define which extensions are loaded on daemon
 startup. (LP: #483556)

2010-05-20 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/scalability-test.py:

 * test/scalability-test.py:
 - this script is now spawning its own daemon process
 - added benchmark for bug 583065

2010-05-17 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/lt.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-16 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/lrucache.py:
 * test/lrucache-test.py:
 * _zeitgeist/Makefile.am:

 Removed code related to the LRUCache implementation, it is not used

2010-05-16 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:
 * test/test-sql.py:
 * test/sql-test.py:

 Added wildcard support to some query fields, thanks to Seif and Siegfried
 for reviewing the code.
 Wildcards can be at the end of some query fields, like
 which queries for all subjects with mimetype beginning with 'text/', see the
 related bugreport (LP: #485966) for detailed information.

2010-05-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/README.tests:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * test/run-all-tests.py:
 * test/testutils.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/test-sql.py:
 * test/sql-test.py:

 * moved sql tests to sql-test.py, this way the sql tests are also run by the
 run-all-tests.py tool
 * added more testcases to the add_text_clause test

2010-05-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 added missing docstrings

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 fixed typo

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 added bugnumber to a bug mentioned in a comment

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 wildcard are now working correctly on the sql side

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 added more testcases

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/test-sql.py:

 added testcases for WhereClause.add_text_condition()

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 We are using GLOB instead of LIKE now, this means wildcard searches get
 case sensitive.

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 * added optional 'cache' argument to WhereClause.add_text_condition which
 should be either None or a dict-like objects which converts a value into
 its id-counterpart
 * changed the LIKE statement to do the right thing
 * added a first testcase for wildcards in queries

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 implemented first version of a LIKE statement

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:

 started working on wildcard support on the sql side

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 started support of wildcards for some template fields

2010-05-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/README.tests:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * test/run-all-tests.py:
 * test/testutils.py:

 To get clean test results one should now run
 test/run-all-tests.py 2> /dev/null
 From now on all test results are print to stdout, were all debugging
 information will go to stderr.

2010-05-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 added 'real-life' test of negation for symbols using there dependencies

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Raise a ValueError if someone tries to query by storage field, this feature
 might be added in the future (LP: #580364)

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/test-sql.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Added negation support to some template fields, this is the first part of a
 fix of bug 485966, thanks Mikkel for doing the review.

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 made EQUAL a real function

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 more engine tests

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 more engine tests

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 added some engine testcases for the negation implementation

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 added some more testcases for negation to the datamodel testcases

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * po/ur.po:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/test-sql.py:

 added some negation testcases for the SQL WhereClause

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 added another testcase for the symbols side of this issue

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 added doctstring and comment, and a sensible handling for subject.Text

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist and resolved some conflicts

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 * NEGATION_OPERATOR is now importable from zeitgeist.datamodel
 * WhereClause takes an optional argument 'negation' which will result in a
 'NOT ...'-sql-statement
 * started working on negation support on the sql side.

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 added another testcase and hide some debug output

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 fixed typos and added first testcase

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 added negation support to some fields of Event and Subject; this is only the 'datamodel' side, the sql side still needs to be done

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst.NEEDS_FIXING:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-05-14 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 added testcase for bug 580364

2010-05-14 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/ur.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-14 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 Take event ids into account when building SQL query from event templates

2010-05-13 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 Bugfix: Set event.id before passing events to the extension hooks. This way extensions can actually use the events for other purposes...

2010-05-13 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 Set event.id before passing events to the extension hooks

2010-05-13 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 Bugfix: When expanding queries over child types that wasn't already registered in the DB we'd get an IndexError and return an empty result set. Also added unit test that catches this bug

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst.NEEDS_FIXING:

 disabled test-datamodel-symbols doctest for now, this test needs to be
 adopted to the new way symbols are working

2010-05-13 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 zeitgeist/datamodel.py: changes to {Subject,Event}.matches_template() to
 only call Symbol.uri_is_child_of() if the field can contain at Symbol, and
 not for all fields.

2010-05-13 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/ur.po:
 * po/gl.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Fix review comments from Markus: https://code.launchpad.net/~kamstrup/zeitgeist/query-expansion/+merge/25000

2010-05-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Return a list of Symbols instead of string uris from Symbol.find_child_uris_extended

2010-05-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 Remove left over debug statement

2010-05-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/test-sql.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Merge lp:~kamstrup/zeitgeist/query-expansion

 So what does "query expansion" mean. Consider a query for subject with interp. nfo:Media. Right that would only match stuff that has been explicitly identified as nfo:Media (which is not much since we usually can identify whther stuff is Audio, Image, or Video data).

 With query expansion we'll also match any children of nfo:Media. Ie also nfo:Image, nfo:Audio, and nfo:Video. Also recursively matching children of these like nfo:RasterImage and nfo:Vector image.

 The way it's implemented is really simple. We simply expand the tree of children and compile a big OR query with everything.

2010-05-09 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 Yay! All unit tests for the engine passing - now with query expansion

2010-05-09 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 Booya! Only ONE of the unit tests fail now with query expansion enabled

2010-05-06 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Add new method Symbol.find_child_uris_extended() that'll be most useful for query expansion inside the engine

2010-05-05 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/test-sql.py:

 Add test cases for the engine's sql module

2010-05-04 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Working (and unit tested) template matching of hierarchical interpretation- and manifestation types. Not implemented on the SQL level - that is comming up.

2010-05-05 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/gl.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-04 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/gl.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-03 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/gl.po:
 * po/pt.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-02 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/pt.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-05-02 Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:

 Fix DeleteEvents to work with arbitrarily huge amounts of IDs.

2010-04-30 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/gl.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-04-29 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:

 Fix crasher s/Video/VIDEO in recent.py

2010-04-29 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Update recent.py to reflect new datamodel

2010-04-29 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/bg.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-04-28 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Optimize Symbol.{get,iter}_all_children() by using a cache of all child symbols instead of doing a recursive crawl each time

2010-04-28 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * README.Ontology:
 * TODO:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/tutorial_datamodel_symbols.rst:
 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:
 * extra/ontology:
 * extra/ontology/Makefile.am:
 * extra/ontology/nao.trig:
 * extra/ontology/ncal.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nco.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nfo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nie.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nmm.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nmo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/zg.trig:
 * extra/rdfxml2py:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * .bzrignore:
 * autogen.sh:
 * configure.ac:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/conf.py:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/index.rst:
 * extra/Makefile.am:
 * test/blacklist-test.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Merge lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/ontology_definition. This introduces some slight API breaks on the Python level and maybe the need for a DB version upgrade to reflect new URIs here and there. We will tackle these issues in trunk.

2010-04-26 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * test/blacklist-test.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:

 Change symbol names from CamelCase to CAMEL_CASE. This improves backwards compa of the API. The conversion is done at compile time

2010-04-26 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Compile Symbol._parents into a hashmap name->Symbol on module load time

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Make sure to resolve uris of parent symbols to the actual symbol objects

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * README.Ontology:
 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 * updated README.Ontology
 * cleaned up some code in the ontology serializer

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Fixed last failing testcase

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Fixed failing testcases, only one to go!
 - creating symbols on the fly by calling some random attribute, like
 SomeSymbol.foo, is not supported anymore, all symbols have to be
 registered by calling the Symbol factory class
 - added code to auto_resolve symbol structures
 - Symbols can be looked-up by name and uri
 Only the testcase for lazy lookup of symbols is still failing
 (Interpretation.boo.bar == Interpretation.bar).

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * README.Ontology:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 Fixed test/engine-test.py and added comment about missing symbols to

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 zeitgeist/datamodel.py: removed _SYMBOLS_BY_NAME as this dict is not used
 anywhere, and also does not make any sense, because there is no guarantee
 for symbol names being unique.

2010-04-25 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/packaging/debian/source:
 * extra/packaging/debian/source/format:
 * extra/packaging/debian/zeitgeist-core.bash-completion:
 * po/bg.po:
 * po/oc.po:
 * extra/packaging/debian/control.in:
 * NEWS:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extension.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/datasource_registry.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/remote.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/sql.py:
 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:
 * _zeitgeist/loggers/zeitgeist_base.py:
 * configure.ac:
 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/datamodel.rst:
 * extra/packaging/debian/changelog:
 * extra/packaging/debian/compat:
 * extra/packaging/debian/control:
 * extra/packaging/debian/rules:
 * extra/packaging/debian/zeitgeist-core.install:
 * po/ca.po:
 * po/cs.po:
 * po/da.po:
 * po/de.po:
 * po/el.po:
 * po/en_CA.po:
 * po/en_GB.po:
 * po/es.po:
 * po/fi.po:
 * po/fr.po:
 * po/hu.po:
 * po/id.po:
 * po/it.po:
 * po/ja.po:
 * po/mk.po:
 * po/nb.po:
 * po/nl.po:
 * po/nn.po:
 * po/pl.po:
 * po/pt.po:
 * po/pt_BR.po:
 * po/ro.po:
 * po/ru.po:
 * po/sv.po:
 * po/te.po:
 * po/tr.po:
 * po/uk.po:
 * po/zh_CN.po:
 * test/engine-extension-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * test/test-engine-extension.rst:
 * zeitgeist-daemon.py:
 * zeitgeist/client.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 merged changes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-04-23 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 There is no Interpretation.Tag nymore, let's use Interpretation.Audio to
 check general attributes

2010-04-23 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * README.Ontology:
 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 * added TODO/README for the onto branch
 * added docstring to failing testcase

2010-04-23 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/blacklist-test.py:

 Fixed Symbol names in the blacklist test:
 * OPEN_EVENT -> AccessEvent
 * User_ACTIVITY -> UserActivity

2010-04-08 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/engine-test.py:

 Fix stray s/FILE/File in engine-test.py

 Fix Manifestation.File -> FileDataObject in engine-test.py

2010-04-08 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Greatly optimize and simplify datamodel.py. Both with regards to imports and lookups. Some of the tests cases are failing. It appears that the datahub injects stuff in my running tests... Also some failures in the datamodel-test.py test cases. Mainly because we no longer allow dynamic addition of Symbols and that nao.trig fails to generate nao.py for some reason...

2010-04-07 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Define shortcuts to EventManifestation and EventInterpretation

2010-03-26 Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden>

 * extra/packaging:
 * extra/packaging/create-debian-snapshot-package.sh:
 * extra/packaging/debian:
 * extra/packaging/debian/changelog:
 * extra/packaging/debian/compat:
 * extra/packaging/debian/control:
 * extra/packaging/debian/control.in:
 * extra/packaging/debian/copyright:
 * extra/packaging/debian/pyversions:
 * extra/packaging/debian/rules:
 * extra/packaging/debian/watch:
 * extra/packaging/debian/zeitgeist-core.install:
 * extra/packaging/debian/zeitgeist-datahub.install:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/remote.py:
 * po/pl.po:

 Merge with trunk.

2010-03-24 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/Makefile.am:

 added missing files to extra/Makefile.am

2010-03-22 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * autogen.sh:

 check if 'rapper' is installed when running autogen.sh

2010-03-22 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 added missing bracket

2010-03-22 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 second argument of os.path.join must not start with a '/', otherwise it will be taken as root

2010-03-22 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * po/id.po:
 * po/pl.po:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * po/zh_CN.po:

 merged chanes from lp:zeitgeist

2010-03-18 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 the compiled ontology should be located in $datadir/zeitgeist/ontology when
 running zeitgeist on a systemwide installationk

2010-03-18 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * po/el.po:
 * po/tr.po:
 * po/da.po:
 * po/ru.po:

 merged with lp:zeitgeist

2010-03-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 added comment

2010-03-15 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 doing some profiling right now; experimenting with some optimizations

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 timing symbol loading

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * doc/zeitgeist/source/conf.py:

 prettify docs by ordering symbols by name

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 try the very best to avoid possible name conflicts in Symbol.__getattr__ by making sure to never return the symbol itself

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:

 fixed doctest

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 added smarter algorithm to resolve lazy parent declarations

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 the python serializer is now a bit smarter, it
 * does not create collections explicitly
 * ignore subclasses which are not (in-) direct subclasses of
 'Interpretation' and 'Manifestation'

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/nmm.trig:

 merged nmm.trig import

2010-03-12 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/nmm.trig:

 Import nmm.trig

2010-03-12 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 fixed missing symbols filter

2010-03-11 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * TODO:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Add some docs about how the type system works

 Add some more work for us in the TODO (sigh)

2010-03-11 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Rename 'parent' -> 'parents' since we have multiple inheritance

 Better debug messages when symbols can not be resolved

 Document parent/child getters on Symbol

2010-03-11 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/nfo.trig:

 Fix label of nfo:FileDataObject to be "File" not "file". I should be shot for this - but it's required for our name spacing to work

2010-03-11 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/nao.trig:
 * extra/ontology/ncal.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nco.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nmo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/Makefile.am:
 * extra/ontology/nfo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/nie.trig:
 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/zg.trig:

 Rename zeo.trig -> zg.trig to be consistent with our name spacing

 Import (relevant) Nepomuk ontologies from shared-desktop-onotologies v. 0.3 (released 2010-03-08)

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/extension.py:
 * test/run-all-tests.py:
 * test/test-engine-extension.rst:

 merged from lp:zeitgeist

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * TODO:

 * added TODO for this branch

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * doc/zeitgeist/source/tutorial_datamodel_symbols.rst:
 * test/test-datamodel-symbols.rst:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/index.rst:

 * added tutorial/doctest for datamodel.Symbol
 * added this tutorial to the sphinx documentation

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 redirect message if an unrecognized symbol is created to sys.stderr

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 all Symbol.get_* methods now return frozensets

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * doc/zeitgeist/source/conf.py:

 * symbols are now documented in the sphiny documentation

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 * added DataSource to datamodel.__all__
 * be more verbose if zeitgeist ontology cannot be loaded when running

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/datamodel.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/datasource_registry.py:
 * po/da.po:
 * po/en_CA.po:
 * po/en_GB.po:
 * po/hu.po:
 * po/it.po:
 * po/ja.po:
 * po/mk.po:
 * po/nl.po:
 * po/ro.po:
 * po/ru.po:
 * po/te.po:
 * po/zh_CN.po:
 * test/data/apriori_events_sets-2.js:
 * test/data/apriori_events_sets.js:
 * tools:
 * tools/README:
 * tools/cli:
 * tools/cli/zeitgeist-update-database.py:
 * tools/gtk:
 * tools/gtk/zeitgeist-data-sources-gtk.py:
 * NEWS:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/Makefile.am:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/__init__.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extension.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/Makefile.am:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/extensions/blacklist.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * _zeitgeist/engine/remote.py:
 * _zeitgeist/loggers/datasources/recent.py:
 * _zeitgeist/loggers/zeitgeist_base.py:
 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:
 * doc/zeitgeist-datahub.1:
 * doc/zeitgeist/source/dbus_api.rst:
 * po/ca.po:
 * po/cs.po:
 * po/de.po:
 * po/es.po:
 * po/fi.po:
 * po/fr.po:
 * po/nb.po:
 * po/nn.po:
 * po/pt.po:
 * po/pt_BR.po:
 * po/sv.po:
 * po/uk.po:
 * test/data/apriori_events.js:
 * test/engine-extension-test.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:
 * test/remote-test.py:
 * test/testutils.py:
 * zeitgeist-daemon.py:
 * zeitgeist-datahub.py:
 * zeitgeist/client.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 Merged changes from lp:zeitgeist
 during the process a few conflicts were resolved in zeitgeist/datamodel.py -
 this needs some double checks at some point. All tests run sucessfully

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 fixed copyright

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * test/datamodel-test.py:

 fixed tests for datamodel to work with the new datamodel with is dynamical
 loading symbols from the ontology representation
 TODO: needs more and more specific tests

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 fixed adding to the collection of child symbols if parent is a Symbol object
 and not a string representation

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 readded loading of ontology

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 removed debugging statement

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel.py:

 * moved datamodel_ng to datamodel

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * removed custom Symbol.__str__, makes no sense
 * added helper function to beautify result of Symbol.__repr__

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 added missing bits (Event, Subject, TimeRange, NULL_EVENT) to datamodel_ng

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * fixed Symbol.__parent, Symbol.__repr__ and added Symbol.__str__
 * added zeitgeist.datamodel_ng.__all__ to list 'public' objects

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * added ways to resolve parents by symbol uri
 * when getting symbol by uri try to also lookup in all children as a last
 * added some code comments

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * resolve children/parents of a Symbol in a lazy way, such that a parent
 symbol does not have to exists when a symbol is initialized
 * a Symbol can now have multible parents, the parent parameter of Symbol is
 now a set of strings

2010-03-11 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/Makefile.am:

 * extra/ontology/: added make target to create one big python representation
 of all ontologies used by zeitgeist. This allows

2010-03-10 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 removed remaining references to uppercase naming convention for symbols

2010-03-10 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 Symbol names are now CamelCase instead of all UPPERCASE to be compatible
 with Nepomuk.
 NOTE: this breaks API and DB

2010-03-10 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 re-ordered items in zeo.trig and added description for each part

2010-03-09 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 Rename OpenEvent to AccessEvent as discussed on IRC

 Document all event- manifestations and interpretations

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * Manifestation and Interpretation are now hard-coded root symbols
 * added one more sample (TODO: propert tests)

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 all symbols are now properly attached to their parent symbol

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 we don't need a label for EventInterpretation

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 adjust location of generated python code

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 made exceptions more verbose.

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 * removed more enum related stuff
 * all symbols are now Symbols, there are no SymbolCollections anymore
 * properly escape strings

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 All Symbols can now have child and parent symbols, so there is no concept of
 SymbolCollections anymore.

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/nfo.trig:
 * extra/ontology/Makefile.am:

 added nfo.trig

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 * changed namespace uri of nie according the latest commit to the serializer

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 * changes nie namepsace uri to use the revision used in Nepomuk
 * removed enum related code, as enums are not part of the ontology
 * we don't parse Resource objects yet, commented out related code as it does
 not do anything yet

2010-03-08 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * .bzrignore:

 ignore resulting *.py in extra/ontology

2010-03-07 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 Make test code in datamodel_bg take advantage of autogenerated ontology

2010-03-07 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/Makefile.am:
 * extra/trig2py:
 * configure.ac:
 * extra/Makefile.am:

 Enable autotools magic to generate .py modules from .trig on build time. For now we'll install then in $PREFIX/share/zeitgeist/ontology/

2010-03-06 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:
 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 Don't include ResultType and StorageState enums in the ontology

2010-03-06 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 made make_symbol_name() more efficient

2010-03-06 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 * removed whitespces at line eniding from PythonSerializer
 * added header to PythonSerializer

2010-03-06 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * fixed empty spaces at line ending
 * added header to zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 sort enums by id in python representaion of the ontology

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 added ResultType enums to the ontology

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * added Enum support to the python datemodel
 * raise RuntimeError if parsing of trig file goes wrong

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 added support for enums to the serializer

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:

 added a discussion item to the trig.REAMDME

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 Added StorageState enum, please also consider this as a proof of concept of
 how to present enums in an ontology.
 * in rdfs:_NNN NNN must be gt 0, this is different to the old impl

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology_parser.py:

 removed custom parser of trig files, we are using rdflib

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * zeitgeist/datamodel_ng.py:

 * added datamodel_ng.py: this modul loads the datamodel from the ontology
 definition, it will replace the old one, but we will use both for now

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:

 * don't create python representation of the Event class for now
 * In the past symbols were named like 'USER_ACTIVITY' whereas in the trig
 definition file they are called 'UserActivity'. Added make_symbol_name()
 to convert the names to the old one.
 (NOTE: this needs discussion, I personally prefer 'UserActivity', should
 we stay with this converter function, or add an alias mechanism to use
 both naming conventions)

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/rdfxml2py:

 simplified parser code

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 * rdfs:label is also used to define a name of a collection

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 * for symbols rdfs:label is used as displayname
 * if rdfs:label is not defined for a symbol use the name instead
 * translation of displayname is (for now) done on python level
 (NOTE: this needs further discussion/investigation)

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:
 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 * rdfs:comment attributes are used as docstring in general, and are esp.
 used as docstrings for symbols
 * added generalized code to generate symbol_collections and symbols

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 * output to stream argument instead of stdout
 * changed way of symbol registration

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/PythonSerializer.py:

 started working on a python serializer

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:
 * extra/rdfxml2py:

 * each property needs a label, this label will be used as the name of this
 symbol in its implementation, this is why this label must not contain

2010-03-05 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 various syntax fixes to zeo.trig

2010-03-04 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/rdfxml2py:

 We're ready to generate Python code from an rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph instance now... Just someone needs to do it :-)

2010-03-04 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup@hardback>

 * extra/ontology:
 * extra/ontology/nie.trig:
 * extra/rdfxml2py:
 * extra/trig2py:
 * extra/zeitgeist.trig:
 * extra/ontology/zeo.trig:

 Start writing scripts to convert .trig -> .xml -> .py

2010-01-27 "Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen" <email address hidden>

 * extra/zeitgeist.trig:

 My first shot at an ontology - still a lot missing...

2010-01-27 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology_parser.py:

 fixed line ending in two of the regular expressions, now even parsing nfo.trig is sucsessfull

2010-01-27 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/ontology_parser.py:

 added first version of an ontology parser

2010-01-27 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:

 added some useful urls

2010-01-27 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:

 added question to README

2010-01-27 Markus Korn <email address hidden>

 * extra/README.zeitgeist.trig:
 * extra/zeitgeist.trig:

 started working on an external definition of the zeitgeist ontology

2010-04-28 Seif Lotfy <seif@Gary>

 * po/bg.po:
 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:

 fixed issues with empty uri set for related items

2010-04-28 Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden>

 * doc/zeitgeist-daemon.1:

 Add --no-datahub to zeitgeist-daemon manpage.

2010-04-24 Launchpad Code Hosting <codehost@crowberry>

 * po/bg.po:

 Launchpad automatic translations update.

2010-04-23 Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden>

 * po/bg.po:

 Add Bulgarian translation.

2010-04-28 Seif Lotfy <seif@Gary>

 * _zeitgeist/engine/main.py:
 * test/engine-test.py:

 fix test issues

1 blueprint and 10 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
develop a C wrapper for the Zeitgeist API develop a C wrapper for the Zeitgeist API 5 Essential Markus Korn  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
583065 #583065 slow querying 3 High   3 Invalid
485966 #485966 Using filters (text match / exclusion / etc) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
485966 #485966 Using filters (text match / exclusion / etc) 2 Critical Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
489262 #489262 Event Interpretations Ontology 2 Critical Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen  10 Fix Released
587545 #587545 core_0_1 upgrade script's table columns are reversed 2 Critical Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen  10 Fix Released
483556 #483556 Make the loading of extensions to the engine configurable 3 High Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
501862 #501862 Launchpad Mailing List and Group Setup 3 High Jamal Fanaian  10 Fix Released
566898 #566898 Log DB file should be versioned 3 High Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen  10 Fix Released
570741 #570741 Bug in find_related_uris 3 High Seif Lotfy  10 Fix Released
585779 #585779 ZEITGEIST_{DEFAULT,EXTRA}_EXTENSIONS is missing manpage entries 3 High Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
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